Electronics. Page 3

Master classes:

3 attachments to expand the functionality of the multimeter

Even the cheapest multimeter has a fairly large set for measuring various quantities. In addition, you can assemble several simple attachments to provide the measuring device with new functions that even expensive models do not have.

How to make an electric drive for a bicycle without electronics

Converting a regular bike to an electric one will make you more mobile with less effort. Such a transformation does not require special knowledge, professional skills or high costs. Any adult can do this job

How to make a wind generator based on an asynchronous fan motor

Centralized electrical energy is not available everywhere, and its price is constantly growing. If you make a windmill out of an old ceiling fan, you can partially provide yourself with electricity without the need for expensive materials.

4 useful lifehacks for soldering and soldering irons

In some cases, it is very difficult or completely impossible to solve a specific problem related to soldering with a conventional soldering iron and classical soldering methods.But with some ingenuity, you manage to cope with an unexpected problem. Below

How to make a mini hydroelectric power station with 2 propellers

If a small stream flows or a ditch is laid near a house or summer cottage, then the free energy of the water flow can be used to illuminate the room or power small current consumers. This does not require special knowledge and

How to make a resistor at home

These instructions for making a resistor with your own hands from scrap materials are most likely for informational purposes. Although it is possible that it may be necessary someday. Developing your horizons is very useful

How to eliminate involuntary glow or flickering of a switched off LED lamp

Involuntary glow or flickering of LED or energy-saving lamps can be observed for two reasons. The first is the incorrect activation of the switch itself, as a result of which it opens the neutral conductor and not the phase conductor. The second reason

How to make a flashlight that runs on water

This design of the flashlight is good because it can be stored for a long time without maintenance, and at one point it is picked up, refilled and ready for use. A very interesting design to repeat and just for reference.

How to add brightness control to an LED lamp

The LED lamp operates within a wide voltage range of 100-250 V, and if there is a need to adjust its glow, it simply cannot be done. Standard dimmers will simply be powerless here. What might it be needed for?

3 simple detector circuits for various household needs

An excellent selection of easy-to-follow detector circuits. The first two options are capable of performing two functions at once: a detector of hidden wiring and a radio signal. The latter is able to determine the power of the carrier radio signal. This small attachment

How to quickly make a soldering iron from a 5 V pencil

You can make a soldering iron from scrap materials in about 15 minutes. This useful idea is a “lifesaver” in a difficult situation. With such a tool it is quite possible to make small repairs, even where there is no electricity, because a soldering iron is easy

A very simple multimeter attachment for checking LEDs and more

I needed to test a large number of LED products. Almost everything used separate LEDs. Some can be checked with a multimeter. But lately, more and more, there are several LEDs in one. IN

How to make an off-road electric scooter based on a children's bicycle

With the advent of lithium-ion batteries, electric vehicles have become very popular. It is quiet, lightweight and very cheap to maintain. The only problem is that the price for such a scooter or bicycle is not at all small. However, if you purchase the necessary

How to make a projector from an old smartphone

Nowadays, smartphones are becoming outdated very quickly. Despite the full functionality, most people simply have working models lying around at home, which, due to the updating trend, are no longer used. Throw away a completely working one, but not

How to speed up mobile Internet in a couple of clicks, without entering settings

If you are not well versed in the settings of your smartphone and want to speed up the Internet on it, then this method is perfect. I would like to immediately make a reservation and say that the article is in no way of any advertising nature, but exclusively

Instructions for making an induction heater for beginners in electronics

Using an induction heater, you can heat metal parts, such as bolts, knife blades, etc., in a matter of seconds. It is not difficult to assemble such a setup for a radio amateur, but for people unfamiliar with electronics it seems

How to connect a camera from an old laptop to a smartphone and why it can be useful

If you have an old laptop or netbook lying around, but it’s a shame to just throw it away, then here’s a great idea: take out the webcam from it and use it for your homemade projects, see examples at the bottom of the article.

Not just a fan. DIY mini air conditioner

In summer it can be so hot that in such conditions it is impossible not only to work, but even to think. Especially for such cases, it is worth making a small portable air conditioner. They can cool the air in a room or car, powered by the unit

The simplest uninterruptible power supply for a WiFi router on 1 relay

If electricity constantly disappears in your home, then the Internet disappears along with it. At the same time, a signal is sent over the network, but the switched off router does not process it. By making a simple modification to your router, you will have WiFi,

How to make a reliable thermostat for household needs

I recently got an incubator.But due to its cheapness, the temperature controller in it broke down. Therefore, I decided to assemble a simple thermostat with my own hands. The thermostat is designed for automatic regulation of heating or

DIY alternator from a three-phase asynchronous motor

You can make a generator based on a three-phase asynchronous AC motor. Moreover, its performance will be sufficient to power various undemanding household appliances. To rotate such a homemade generator, you can

How to make an LED watch with wireless backlighting of hands and dial

From a technical point of view, a table clock with illuminated hands is not such a simple mechanism. The catch is powering these LEDs. Since the hands rotate, it is impossible to route battery wires through them. Power the LEDs in

One attachment will significantly expand the functionality of a conventional multimeter

This multimeter attachment is very easy to make and extremely useful in operation. Using it, you can check not only the performance of parts, but also find out the operating voltage or drop. The device supplies high

How to reliably solder an aluminum part with ordinary tin without special electrodes, welding and even without flux

High-quality soldering of aluminum parts requires special electrodes, argon welding, special equipment and tools. This is due to the fact that the aluminum surface is instantly covered with an oxide film and its tinning is practically