How to start a fire with a regular nail

How to light a fire using an ordinary nail, using the principle of the transition of one type of energy to another, and demonstrate this clearly.

An ordinary nail with a head, marks on the shaft under it and, pointed at one end, is made of almost pure iron and therefore has excellent ductility. It is this property of the nail that can be used and turned into a source of fire.

How to start a fire with a nail

To clearly demonstrate this phenomenon, let us first roll up a piece of newspaper into a loose tube, place it on a massive metal stand or anvil, and press it against this massive base using a small magnet.

Then, placing the tip of the nail on the anvil, we will consistently, methodically and with maximum frequency strike the nail with a hammer, moving it back and forth for some time.

In this case, blows with a hammer on a nail are mechanical energy, which leads to deformation of the nail rod, as a result of which it changes the cross-sectional shape and can bend and elongate.Moreover, the deformation of the nail is accompanied by the formation of heat and its accumulation in the metal.

After a series of blows with a hammer on a nail, such an amount of thermal energy accumulates in it, which heats the metal of the nail to a temperature slightly above 230 degrees Celsius, which is quite enough to ignite newsprint.

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