Do-it-yourself anti-freeze WITHOUT alcohol

Car window washer fluid is a special alcohol mixture, each liter of which costs at least 100 rubles in the store and the more alcohol it contains, the more expensive it is. Buying a “left-handed” anti-freeze device at a cheap price can fail at the most crucial moment or even damage the car’s windshield washer system.

How to make anti-freeze for a car from distilled water and detergent

To protect yourself and save money, you can prepare high-quality glass washer fluid yourself and do not need expensive components. We will make do with laboratory distilled water, which does not freeze even at -42 degrees Celsius, since it, having gone through several stages of purification, does not contain impurities that are centers of crystallization of water when it freezes.

Add one teaspoon of simple household dishwashing detergent to this distilled water, but it is better not to do this in severe frosts. Having closed the lid of the bottle, we begin to vigorously shake the container so that the distilled water and detergent are mixed together.

Before pouring such a mixture into a car glass washer, you must make sure that the system is kept clean, otherwise the impurities in it will become centers of crystallization and the mixture of distilled water and detergent will begin to freeze.

Watch the video

How to get distilled water at home WITHOUT a distiller? Reads here: Making distilled water at home
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Comments (3)
  1. Aidar
    #1 Aidar Guests 25 December 2022 17:25
    On the first night it will stand in the cold and such liquid will freeze in the tank and pipes. Do not do this under any circumstances.
  2. Victim of the Unified State Exam
    #2 Victim of the Unified State Exam Guests 21 January 2023 12:43
    Who said distilled water doesn't freeze?
  3. Guest Dmitry
    #3 Guest Dmitry Guests February 7, 2023 12:10
    The author forgot to add alcohol, otherwise this liquid would freeze on the first night.