Creating a family hearth (candles)

My friends were planning a painting, and I wanted to give them something original and made with my own hands. And then my friend and I decided to give them a candle on a candlestick and decorate it. Present It turned out to be very useful; now they have it as a symbol of the family hearth.

Creating a family hearth (candles)

You'll need:
1. Wooden hearts – 2 pcs.;
2. Candle;
3. Gold-colored spray paint;
4. Aerosol enamel reinforced with acrylate;
5. Gun with silicone;
6. Decorative artificial flowers;
7. Decorative artificial roses.

Manufacturing process:
1. Take two wooden hearts. Their size depends on the size of the candle that you will attach to them. We had hearts about 10 cm wide (at the widest part). Paint the hearts on both sides using gold spray paint. Before painting, shake the can thoroughly for 3 minutes and then start applying. The application distance should be 25 cm. It is better to do this in the fresh air or in a well-ventilated area. The paint dries in about 3-5 minutes.

2. Once dry, apply spray enamel to the painted wooden hearts.Before application, shake the can well for 3 minutes, then spray from a distance of 25 cm. Spray well in a circular motion, several approaches. Leave to dry for a few minutes.

3. Connect the gun to the mains, insert the silicone stick and leave to heat up for 15 minutes. After this, apply hot silicone to one heart and press the two hearts together. Hold them for 15 seconds - this is enough for high-quality bonding. We fasten the hearts in such a way that one is slightly lower than the other.

4. Next, using hot silicone, attach the candle to the upper heart, in the middle - apply, install, hold. Handle hot silicone carefully to avoid burning your fingers.

5. Now it’s the turn of the decor. Here you can show your imagination and arrange the flowers as you like. We did it in the same way as in the photo. Decorative flowers were glued in order using hot silicone.

6. Then, at the behest of your imagination, also glue decorative roses using hot silicone.

7. When all decor in place and you are satisfied with your work, then the final stage remains. Lightly spray the entire composition with gold spray paint. When the candle is lit, the roses will sparkle. And secure it all with spray enamel. But before giving the gift, let the whole arrangement be well ventilated.

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