Juicy Ukrainian sausage - an easy recipe without the agonizing wait

Juicy, with a moderate amount of garlic and always with the addition of lard - this Ukrainian sausage is easy to prepare at home and does not require any special equipment or tedious waiting.

For stuffing, you can use either a collagen casing (it is edible) or a natural casing. The diameter is suitable 3-4 cm.

The meat for this sausage is never twisted with a meat grinder, but cut into small cubes. To make this easier, the pulp is frozen a little.

Per kilogram of meat, take 16 g of fine salt, and lard should be 30% of the total weight. If raw lard is replaced with smoked lard, the amount of salt must be reduced.

Ingredients for 1 kg of prepared homemade sausage:

  • pork neck (any part of pork will do) - 950 g,
  • smoked lard - 200 g,
  • fine salt - 13 g,
  • fresh garlic - 30 g,
  • ground pepper - optional.

Preparing the specified amount will take no more than an hour:

1. Chop the slightly frozen meat (so that it can be easily cut with a knife) into as small cubes as possible.

2. Cut the lard a little larger. Grind the smoked soft skin as well.For fresh lard, the skin must first be boiled for about an hour or not added to the sausage at all.

3. It is better to chop the garlic with a knife rather than crush it with a press.

4. Place everything in a bowl. Salt and pepper.

5. Mix the minced meat so that the spices and pieces of lard are evenly distributed.

6. Place the collagen shell in plain water - this will make it more flexible and easy to use. If the natural womb has been stored in salt, it must be thoroughly washed.

7. Remove the knife and grid from the auger meat grinder. Place a sausage attachment (if you don’t have one, you can use the cut off top of a plastic bottle and push the minced meat with your finger or the back of a teaspoon). Cut the desired length of the shell and put it on the nozzle like a stocking. Do not tie the end yet. After the pushed pieces have reached almost the edge of the shell, tie the end with a strong thread.

8. Stuffing the sausage is not elastic, it should be soft - after boiling, the casing will stretch and in a tightly stuffed sausage it may burst. Make punctures throughout the entire workpiece with a thick needle.

9. Boil water in a large saucepan. Place the sausage pieces there and cook for 20-25 minutes. depending on their diameter.

10. Remove the homemade sausage and dry it. Place in a container and store in the refrigerator for up to a week.

11. Before serving, Ukrainian sausage must be fried on both sides. For this, it is better to use lard, but refined oil is also suitable.

This homemade sausage always remains a favorite among holiday appetizers. And just for a snack, this is a wonderful product, prepared with your own hands.

Try it, bon appetit!

  • bowtiesmilelaughingblushsmileyrelaxed relaxedsmirk
Comments (1)
  1. Well
    #1 Well Guests December 27, 2021 09:44
    The collagen shell can be taken from valberes