Capelin in tempura batter - delicious taste from affordable products

Japanese-inspired batter can be easily made at home by mixing corn and rice flour. Having tried deep-frying capelin, you are unlikely to want to return to the “frying pan” options. Tempura made from combined flour is tastier than the usual batter made from wheat flour. The thickness of capelin allows it to fry quickly and well in boiling oil. The crust is thick, but at the same time it is weightless, light and crispy. Fish should not be thrown into the deep fryer ahead of time - until the oil warms up, in which case it will stick to the bottom of the pan.


  • capelin – 400 g,
  • corn flour - 3 tbsp. l.,
  • rice flour – 3 tbsp. l.,
  • eggs – 1 pc.,
  • water – 5-6 tbsp. l.,
  • vegetable oil – 150 ml,
  • lemon – 2 slices,
  • hot spices for fish – 1 tsp,
  • salt – 1 tsp.

Cooking sequence:

1. Tempura batter is convenient for frying small capelin. A saucepan or frying pan is taken in such a way that whole capelin carcasses fit.

2. The capelin is thawed and the heads are cut off. The insides are cleaned, the black films are removed from the side walls of the abdomen.If caviar is found, it is left and separately fried in batter. The prepared fish is washed.

3. Take half a teaspoon of salt and the same amount of hot spices for fish, rub the carcasses with the resulting mixture. Place the capelin on a plate, sprinkle with lemon juice and leave for 5 minutes.

4. Use a tablespoon to measure out the rice and corn flour.

5. Throw half a teaspoon of salt and the remaining hot spices into the bowl.

6. Break a medium-sized egg.

7. The water should be very cold - with floating ice cubes. Measure out 5 tablespoons of water; if necessary, add another spoon. The batter for capelin should be as thick as batter for pancakes.

8. Some batter options include lumps of flour, but in this case the batter will be thick and smooth.

9. Place a pan on the stove and pour in vegetable oil. Bring the oil to a boil and reduce the heat. The capelin is dipped in batter, the cut belly is pulled apart so that the batter gets in there too. Transfer the capelin to a pan with boiling oil.

10. Capelin should be laid in one layer. The fish is deep-fried for 2 minutes on each side.

11. Place capelin and fried pieces of caviar on paper sheets.

12. Capelin in tempura batter is served hot, the crust is deliciously crunchy. Cooled fish is no less tasty. A good addition would be a mix of pickled mushrooms.

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