Capelin in the oven

Baking in the oven eliminates fishy odors from the kitchen. In a frying pan you would have to fry the fish in three batches; all the capelin, distributed in ceramic forms, goes into the oven at once. Fried fish literally shines with fat, and baked capelin can be taken apart into pieces without getting your fingers too dirty. The fish flesh remains juicy, the skin becomes a dried, crispy “shell.” Pre-marinating with soy-lemon marinade will transform the familiar taste.


  • capelin – 500 g,
  • flour – 1/2 tbsp.,
  • salt – 1/2 tsp,
  • soy sauce – 3 tbsp. l.,
  • lemon juice – 2 tbsp. l.,
  • ground red pepper – 1/4 tsp,
  • turmeric – 1/4 tsp,
  • Provençal herbs – 1/2 tsp,
  • sunflower oil – 2 tbsp. l.

Sequence of cooking capelin in the oven:

1. Bake beautiful capelin, which remains flat after defrosting. Twisted carcasses with torn sides will completely lose their shape when baked. Fish should be defrosted at room temperature; frozen briquettes should not be exposed to running hot water.

2. Thawed capelin is washed in cold water.

3. Lay capelin in layers. Soy sauce is mixed with hot red pepper and turmeric, and the sauce is poured over each layer of fish.

4. Sprinkle the capelin with squeezed lemon juice.Leave the fish to marinate for two to three hours. The bowl of capelin is placed in the refrigerator.

5. Place the pickled capelin on a plate and lightly grease it with vegetable oil. You can skip the oil, but then the baked fish will be a little dry. Soy sauce made the capelin lightly salted. If you like medium saltiness, you can evenly distribute half a teaspoon of salt over all the carcasses. Then the fish is sprinkled with ground Provençal herbs.

6. Each carcass is dredged in flour on both sides.

7. Small fish are best baked in thick-walled ceramic forms. The molds are greased with vegetable oil, and the capelin is laid out in rows. The fish must be placed so that the carcasses only touch, but do not overlap each other. Then all the capelin will bake evenly.

8. Preheat the oven to 180-190 degrees. Place the pan with the fish for 25-30 minutes. There are baking options at higher temperatures and less time. But long-term baking at moderate temperatures will not lead to overcooking and cracking of the carcasses. The appearance of the fish will signal its readiness: the sides have browned, which means it’s time to take it out of the oven.

9. Baked capelin is served hot. You can do without a side dish, replacing it with sliced ​​fresh vegetables. Capelin will be especially tasty if served with salad and fresh tomatoes.

10. Cooled capelin does not need to be reheated. In a cold dish, the results of soy-lemon marinating are better felt.

11. Baked fish is considered very healthy. If you don't want to force your guests to sort through small fish and remove bones, you can make delicious sandwiches.Soft melted cheese is spread on slices of rye bread, and baked carcasses, freed from heads, entrails and bones, are placed on top.

12. Cold marinated and baked capelin will appeal to beer lovers; it goes well with dark varieties of this drink.

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