Where to Get Free Pencils for Cleaning Sandpapers and Belts

During the sanding process, the surface of the sandpaper becomes clogged with sawdust and dust. As a result, the abrasive stops working. To solve this problem, special rubber bars are sold for cleaning them. You don’t have to buy this consumable, but replace it with an equally effective free one.

Where to get a free cleaning pencil and how to use it

You can clean the abrasive with silicone sealant frozen in a tube. Very often, its unused remains dry out inside.

It is enough to cut the tube and squeeze out the frozen cylinder.

If, as a result of opening the tube, it turns out that there is some uncured silicone left inside, then you need to set it aside to mature. It will make a pencil, but later.

The dried cylinder of sealant must be pressed against a rotating abrasive, and it will almost instantly clean it of dust and sawdust.

The pencil erases very slowly, so it will last a long time.As a result, you can put the sealant that has been spoiled in the tube to good use, cleaning the skins to almost perfect cleanliness.

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Comments (2)
  1. Guest Alexander
    #1 Guest Alexander Guests May 7, 2021 11:33
    You can also take a plastic bag and twist it, but it wears out quickly
  2. Dya Vitya
    #2 Dya Vitya Guests 23 May 2021 19:39
    And I was wondering how to clean the greasy whetstone? Thanks for the advice.