How to make blinds from wallpaper with your own hands

Many housewives have thought more than once about closing their windows from annoying sunlight using blinds. There is now a huge selection of this product on the modern market; there are metal, plastic, fabric, horizontal, vertical blinds, and this is not a complete list. But the trouble is that not everyone can acquire such pleasure for themselves. Especially if there are a lot of windows in the house, or blinds are needed for the dacha. Money for such a purchase, as a rule, becomes a pity. The way out of this situation is very simple - make the blinds yourself.

They will cost only 100–200 rubles and 40 minutes of free time.

Will need

To make your own blinds, you will need:
  • wallpaper - roll;
  • lace or rope - 4 meters;
  • beads – 2-3 pcs.;
  • lace clips – 2-3 pcs.;
  • double-sided tape – 20 cm.
How to make blinds from wallpaper with your own hands

Instructions for making blinds:

1. The first thing you need to do is measure the part of the window that should be closed from the sun. When measuring, be sure to take into account the window handle and measure so that the wallpaper curtain does not interfere with its free rotation.

Comment! Wallpaper should be thick, then the life of the blinds will be longer.

2. Next, you need to measure and cut the required piece of trellis. The width should be taken as the one obtained after measurement, and about 40 cm should be added to the length. This is done so that the blinds are not short, since the length will later be spent on bending the wallpaper.

3. Then, the cut sheet must be carefully and evenly bent like an accordion along its entire length.

4. Place the resulting structure on a hard surface and use a drill, awl or hole punch to make holes in it, retreating 2-3 cm from the edges. Additionally, if the wallpaper is very thick or the window is too wide, you can make a hole exactly in the middle of the accordion.

5. The lace should be cut into 2 or 3 parts (depending on the number of holes drilled) with a length equal to the window, plus another 5 cm.

6. Insert the cord into the resulting holes and secure it on one side with tape.

Advice! This is very easy to do if you twist a loop out of ordinary wire, thread a cord into it and pull it through the hole.

7. Straighten the wallpaper, it is advisable to try it on the window and make sure that it is long enough.

8. Thread the free end of the cord into the clamp, then string the bead and tie a knot at the end.

9. Attach the finished blinds to the window using double-sided tape and, once in place, adjust the clamps, cut off the excess parts of the laces, tie knots on them and seal the ends with a lighter.

Such blinds look good in the interior and are easy to adjust, and most importantly, they cost a penny. If you choose the wallpaper correctly, they will practically not differ at all from roller blinds.

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