How to make a sliding fishing feeder in 5 minutes

It happens that just before fishing it turns out that some equipment is missing. Now I will tell you what to do if you suddenly find that you are missing a sliding feeder.

What we need:

  • A piece of aluminum wire.
  • Empty ballpoint pen refill.
  • Fishing line.

Making a feeder:

We straighten the wire, holding one end in the chuck of a drill or screwdriver, and pressing the other end to the table with a block.

Take a tube of the same diameter as you want the feeder to be. We drill a hole at one of the ends, insert the wire and begin to wind it onto the tube.

We saw off or bite off a piece of wire in the hole and remove the spiral from the tube.

Using pliers, bend the loops at both ends so that the rod from the handle can pass through them freely. We bend these ends inward. It should turn out that the rod is exactly in the middle of the spiral.

We insert the rod into the spiral, heat one of the ends with a lighter or matches and flatten it on a flat metal surface. We do the same with the other end.All that remains is to flare the holes with a drill or countersink and insert the fishing line there.

The sliding feeder is ready. The advantages of this design are its low cost, availability, and ease of manufacture. You can make a whole bunch of these feeders and not be afraid of losing them while fishing.

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