How to simply seal a plastic barrel

How to simply seal a plastic barrel

Usually plastic sticks incredibly poorly, if at all. There is a surefire way to comma it without unnecessary complications. To do this, you do not need additional rods of such plastic.
For example, if you have a cracked plastic container, you can very easily seal it yourself; you don’t need anything scarce for this.

Will need

  • A piece of metal mesh.
  • Metal scissors.
  • Soldering iron.
  • Gas-burner.
  • Screwdriver.

How to solder plastic

We cut the mesh with metal scissors to the size of the crack in the barrel. On the sides approximately plus one centimeter.
How to simply seal a plastic barrel

We position the mesh along the length of the crack. We melt the initial part with a soldering iron.
How to simply seal a plastic barrel

Next, we take a gas burner and gradually fuse the mesh into the body of the barrel.
How to simply seal a plastic barrel

How to simply seal a plastic barrel

When the entire mesh is fused, we smooth the surface with a heated screwdriver.
How to simply seal a plastic barrel

A simple repair has been completed.
How to simply seal a plastic barrel

Now the plastic barrel is airtight and securely sealed. The mesh provides excellent reinforcement and resistance to stress. The glue method cannot achieve such strength.

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Comments (1)
  1. Yuri Beda
    #1 Yuri Beda Guests 15 June 2020 18:31
    Why such puzzles? You take a wire, no matter what kind (copper, Al., iron), an electric soldering iron 80-100 Watt and slowly heating it, solder it into the crack, for beauty you smooth out the seam with a sting. For water it will do. But for a vessel working under pressure, weak?