Heating regulation - saving money and gas

“Prepare the sleigh in summer and the cart in winter” says a famous Russian proverb. In the midst of summer, it's time to think about how to create comfortable conditions and survive winter frosts. The rapid rise in energy prices is an additional incentive to look for options to save energy. The thermostat is a self-regulating device that allows you to maintain a given room temperature. Its design includes a shut-off valve and a thermal head (thermostatic element). The energy efficiency of a thermostat directly depends on the reaction speed of the thermal head. The time period required to turn on a device with gas condensation filling can be about 15 minutes, the response of the electronic thermostatic element is almost instantaneous.

Heating regulation - saving money and gas

During installation, the first step is to install the shut-off valve, connect the supply pipe, and pre-regulate. The thermal head, which determines the maximum amount of heat emitted by the radiator, is installed at the very end. It limits the volume of coolant passing through the radiator and, therefore, reduces heat generation.At the same time, the air temperature decreases to the required value.
For example, if part of the house is located in the south, then it receives heat from solar radiation, i.e. Heat loss is reduced due to natural lighting. Due to this, the thermostat of the southern part will reach the set temperature faster and shut off the coolant supply to the radiator. Thanks to this, part of the heating system will be turned off, and the remaining area in the northern part of the house will receive additional heating. Thus, the radiator thermostat will provide different thermal conditions in different areas of the room, adjusting temperature indicators without human intervention.
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