Chicken roll “Marble”

Not a single housewife who is sensitive to her family’s diet should pass by this recipe. The delicious chicken roll is ideal in all possible respects: a stunning, spicy and, at the same time, delicate taste is combined with the maximum degree of usefulness of this dish, plus the budget of the food set is also an important factor.
Chicken roll Marble


  • - chicken fillet - 700 g;
  • - dried garlic - 2 tsp;
  • - paprika - 1 tbsp;
  • - salt - 1 tsp;
  • - Provencal herbs - 2 tsp;
  • - instant gelatin - 25 g.

Chicken roll Marble


For this recipe, you can use any boneless part of the chicken, such as boneless thighs, boneless legs, or sirloin (we chose this part of the chicken). Thoroughly wash all the fillets (there were 4 pieces).
Cut the tender chicken flesh into cubes approximately 1.5 cm by 1.5 cm.
Chicken roll Marble

Place the chopped meat into a large bowl. Add Provençal herbs, paprika, salt, and garlic to it. Using a spoon (or, if convenient, just with your hands), mix everything very vigorously. We will strive to ensure that every piece is “hooked.”
Chicken roll Marble

Chicken roll Marble

[h2][/h2]Add gelatin.
Also mix everything vigorously.
Chicken roll Marble

Chicken roll Marble

Let's use a baking sleeve and put all the spicy chicken mixture inside. Now we will carefully give it a cylindrical shape and tie it at both ends with a strong thread, fixing the shape. It turns out to be a huge “candy”, which we carefully arrange on a baking sheet.
Chicken roll Marble

We will bake the future roll in a hot oven, it will take at least one hour, at a constant temperature of 180 degrees. Then we will proceed as follows: cool the hot roll and place it in a convenient container (we have a small baking sheet) on the refrigerator shelf, without disturbing the plastic film on the roll, and it is best to forget about it overnight, or for at least 4 hours. During this time the gelatin component gels and the roll shape becomes stable.
Chicken roll Marble

In the morning, you can carefully remove the film and easily cut the delicious roll into beautiful slices and serve it to the table.
Chicken roll Marble
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