New pen from old bottles

New pen from old bottles

I already have some experience using plastic waste to make various items. Today I would like to bring to your attention a technology for using waste high-density polyethylene (HDPE). I will be making an ice cream scoop handle. This is a very useful thing; with its help, ice cream is shaped into beautiful balls.
New pen from old bottles

The handle of the scoop I have seems a little thick and short to me, let's try to make it more comfortable and, I hope, beautiful.

Materials and tools used

  • scraps of used HDPE containers - bottles and containers for ketchup, mustard, washing powder, etc.;
  • baking dish, preferably steel;
  • a piece of parchment paper;
  • several wooden planks.

To prepare and process the material you will need: conventional kitchen oven; clamps, several wooden dies; wood lathe with cutters; saw, sanding paper.

Description of the manufacturing process

First, we prepare the raw materials. It is better to take multi-colored plastic and it is advisable to cut it into pieces ranging from 2 to 5 centimeters in size and mix.Following this recommendation will reduce the likelihood of voids appearing in the thickness of the heated plastic and create a more interesting color texture of the future product.
New pen from old bottles

We put the prepared plastic in a mold, having previously covered it with parchment paper. If you don't use paper, the melting material will stick to the mold. Place the pan in the oven. The temperature can be set to the maximum, and the readiness of the material must be checked periodically.
When the material began to acquire sufficient plasticity, I took it out of the oven several times and twisted the mass with my hands.
New pen from old bottles

New pen from old bottles

When doing this, you need to use very thick gloves, since the temperature of the plastic in the oven can reach 200 degrees Celsius. Twisting the mass creates an interesting color effect; multi-colored stripes from different scraps appear in the plastic. In addition, air bubbles are squeezed out of the mass.
New pen from old bottles

After heat treatment, the plastic must be formed into a bar and allowed to harden under pressure. For this purpose, I assembled a small box from multi-layer plywood, in which I compressed hot plastic.
New pen from old bottles

As a result, I received a block measuring 5x5x15 millimeters, which, after trimming with a saw, I secured in a lathe.
New pen from old bottles

New pen from old bottles

New pen from old bottles

During the process of turning the workpiece, a small void was discovered in it, which arose as a result of incomplete extrusion of air during the molding of the mass. I was able to eliminate this defect without removing the workpiece from the lathe. Having filled the void with polyethylene shavings, I heated it with an industrial hair dryer and compacted the softened mass with a spatula.
New pen from old bottles

New pen from old bottles

After the material hardened, I finished turning the part.Without removing the handle from the machine, I sanded its surface with fine-grit sandpaper and drilled a hole in the end into which my ice cream scoop would be inserted.
New pen from old bottles

I did not use any glue to attach the scoop to the handle. Since the end of the scoop had a threaded part, I simply heated it with a gas burner (you can use the burner of a gas stove) and screwed it into the prepared hole.
New pen from old bottles

The handle turned out to be very comfortable and looks good.
New pen from old bottles

I think this technology can be used to make handles for any hand tool.
New pen from old bottles


The main danger when performing this work is the possibility of getting burned. Be careful and stock up on suitable gloves if, like me, you handle hot plastic with your hands. Be sure to wear safety glasses when operating a lathe.
Good luck to all!

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Comments (2)
  1. Guest Alexey
    #1 Guest Alexey Guests October 26, 2019 11:26
    Oh, what a joker, the pen cost almost nothing)) just tell me that you need a lathe, a clamp, a jigsaw or something similar
  2. Guest Alex
    #2 Guest Alex Guests 24 December 2019 15:02
    Everyone has a lathe.