Preparing tomato juice for the winter. Be sure to make this healthy and tasty preparation.

Among the abundance of various juices, tomato is especially popular among both adults and children. Previously, it was sold in three-liter jars, and the taste was so balanced, you just couldn’t add or subtract. Today it is difficult to find something like this, and you can never be sure of the quality. It’s another matter if you make tomato juice for the winter at home. The result will be a delicious and completely natural drink. Everything is quick and simple, the proportions of salt, sugar and vinegar are easy to remember. They are given per liter of drink; when added, they must be multiplied by the volume of the resulting juice. Be sure to make this healthy and tasty preparation.
Preparing tomato juice for the winter


  • tomatoes 3 kg.
  • for 1 liter of juice:
  • rock salt 1 tsp.
  • granulated sugar 1 tbsp.
  • table vinegar 9% 1 tsp.

Cooking procedure

Prepare everything you need. Wash the tomatoes. You need to take ripe and soft ones, but in no case overripe ones; because of them, ready-made tomato juice for the winter may turn out to be tasteless.
Preparing tomato juice for the winter

Cut into arbitrary pieces, removing the stems. Place in a large saucepan of suitable size.
Preparing tomato juice for the winter

Place on the fire and cook until they become soft.
Preparing tomato juice for the winter

Press the mixture through a sieve to remove the tomato skin and seeds. Discard whatever remains on top of the sieve.
Preparing tomato juice for the winter

Return the pan with tomato juice to the stove. Add the required amount of sugar and salt. Here you can navigate by the volume of juice that was obtained after rubbing.
Preparing tomato juice for the winter

Stir and let it boil. If foam forms, remove. Pour in table vinegar and taste. Those who like saltier tomato juice can add a little more salt.
Preparing tomato juice for the winter

Pour into sterilized jars and roll up. If you want to drink right away, store in the refrigerator for 2-3 days.
Preparing tomato juice for the winter

Preparing tomato juice for the winter
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