Drill extension using friction welding

Drill extension using friction welding

A lathe is a multifunctional piece of equipment that can be used to perform a variety of tasks, including precision friction welding of parts. This can be useful if you need to extend a drill or other tool. When welding a drill using conventional welding, it is impossible to correctly center the shank, therefore, when using such equipment, strong runout is observed. If the extension is carried out on a lathe by friction, then this problem is almost eliminated.

Equipment, materials and tools:

  • lathe;
  • drill chuck for tailstock;
  • drill;
  • rod for extending the shank;
  • cutter.

Friction welding drill

Drill extension using friction welding

The first step is to select a rod of the same diameter as the drill shank. Before welding, the end of the workpiece must be leveled. It is clamped in the machine spindle and ground with a cutter. The drill itself has a smooth shank end, so it does not require preparation.
Drill extension using friction welding

A drill with a shank exit of approximately 15 mm is clamped into the spindle.
Drill extension using friction welding

A drill chuck is installed on the tailstock of the machine, in which a rod for extension is fixed.
Drill extension using friction welding

To perform friction welding and not damage the machine, it is better to set the speed to approximately 60-70% of the maximum possible. Now you can turn on the spindle rotation.
After starting the machine, you need to slowly push the quill, connecting the shank of the drill and the end of the extension rod.
Drill extension using friction welding

The pressed parts will begin to rub in.
Drill extension using friction welding

At first there will be slight bowing and beating, accompanied by chips flying out, but after a few seconds it will stop.
Drill extension using friction welding

As the quill with the rod moves towards the shank, the friction force increases, which leads to strong heating of the parts.
Drill extension using friction welding

When the metal splits until a plastic mass is obtained at the point of friction, the machine must be stopped. At the last moment it is important to push the quill a little more. Molten steel from two parts is boiled together, resulting in welding.
Drill extension using friction welding

If an elongated drill is needed to make a deep hole, then the fungus at the splice site must be ground off using a cutter.
Drill extension using friction welding

Drill extension using friction welding

Otherwise, the thickening will not fit into the drilled hole. However, grinding off the fungus will reduce the reliability of the fastening, since the welding area is reduced.
When extending on a lathe, it will not be possible to completely avoid runout of the elongated drill, but it will be acceptable for performing everyday tasks. To achieve reliable welding, it is important to warm up the workpieces well before turning off the spindle rotation. There is no need to be afraid that the cutting edge of the drill will lose its hardening because it is located quite far from the hot shank.

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