Decorative false fireplace made of cardboard

Decorative false fireplace made of cardboard

On the eve of the New Year's festivities, you want to create a special atmosphere of warmth and comfort around yourself. There is a snowy landscape outside the window, and fragrant candles flicker in the house, a blanket with forest deer beckons, and the aroma of mulled wine and gingerbread is in the air. For a complete hygge idyll, only one element is missing - a fireplace.
Alas, not every home can boast of such an architectural detail, but you can create your own interior false fireplace from available materials.
Decorative false fireplace made of cardboard

Will need

So, we will need:
  • – 2 large cardboard boxes.
  • – acrylic paint (white, gold, brown, beige, red, yellow, black) or colors of the same colors.
  • - regular adhesive tape.
  • – masking tape.
  • – corrugated paper (red).
  • - scissors.
  • - stationery knife.
  • - glue gun.
  • - a simple pencil.
  • – a sponge or a piece of foam rubber.

For decoration:
  • - cones.
  • – balls (gold, red).
  • - beads.
  • - old gramophone records.
  • - green tinsel.
  • - Christmas tree paws.
  • - bells.
  • – braid (gold).

How to make a false fireplace with your own hands

Let's start by making the base.From a large cardboard box we make a U-shaped structure with parameters as in the diagram.
Decorative false fireplace made of cardboard

Decorative false fireplace made of cardboard

We seal all seams with regular tape.
Decorative false fireplace made of cardboard

To add strength and further trouble-free painting, we additionally cover the joints with masking tape.
Decorative false fireplace made of cardboard

We tint everything with white acrylic paint and leave it to dry for several hours.
At the same time, we begin to manufacture the interior of the fireplace.
Cut the second box. We take out a rectangular piece of cardboard (width 120 cm, height 100 cm), cover it with black acrylic paint in several layers. We are waiting for complete drying.
We cut squares measuring 5 x 5 cm from red corrugated paper. They will be needed to simulate a fire in the fireplace.
Decorative false fireplace made of cardboard

In the center of the black rectangle we begin to form a fire.
Decorative false fireplace made of cardboard

We place the red corrugated paper square tightly onto the pencil and twist it well, apply a little hot glue to the “spark” and press it to the cardboard.
Decorative false fireplace made of cardboard

Decorative false fireplace made of cardboard

Draw the flames in this way.
Decorative false fireplace made of cardboard

Decorative false fireplace made of cardboard

We secure the black cardboard with the fire inside the fireplace using tape and masking tape.
The most labor-intensive task is making bricks. The size I chose was 8 x 5.5 cm.
Decorative false fireplace made of cardboard

Approximate quantity 130 pieces, plus 11 pieces for finishing a hearth measuring 7 x 4 cm.
Decorative false fireplace made of cardboard

We cut out the blanks with a stationery knife from the remains of the second box.
Next is the painting stage. All prepared colors will be used - gold, brown, yellow, red. The base is white acrylic paint.
Decorative false fireplace made of cardboard

Layer No. 1 – flesh-colored, beige. We paint over the entire bricks with a brush, including the seams.
Decorative false fireplace made of cardboard

Layer No. 2 – light brown. Apply using a foam sponge soaked in paint.
Decorative false fireplace made of cardboard

Layer No. 3 – gold. We apply according to the principle of layer No. 2.
Decorative false fireplace made of cardboard

Layer No. 4 – white. We paint using the same technique as the previous layers.
Decorative false fireplace made of cardboard

Layer No. 5 – dark chocolate. The application method is the same.
Decorative false fireplace made of cardboard

We paint the eleven bricks intended for finishing the hearth with a brush in dark chocolate. Lightly tint the top with gold and set them aside separately.
We are waiting for the paint to dry completely on the blanks. We attach them to the base of the fireplace in even rows using a glue gun. The gap between bricks and rows is 4–5 mm.
Decorative false fireplace made of cardboard

We fill the entire surface, adjusting the size of the bricks.
Decorative false fireplace made of cardboard

We complete the laying with chocolate-colored bricks, laying them out in a semicircle over the fire.
Decorative false fireplace made of cardboard

To decorate the fireplace, we make two identical compositions from a ball, a snowflake, a bell, a fir branch, a bow and a corrugated paper fan.
Decorative false fireplace made of cardboard

Decorative false fireplace made of cardboard

We fix it symmetrically in the corners of the product.
Decorative false fireplace made of cardboard

We throw tinsel on top.
Decorative false fireplace made of cardboard

On the fireplace itself we place plates from old bent gramophone records (to do this they need to be heated over an open fire)
Decorative false fireplace made of cardboard

with painted cones,
Decorative false fireplace made of cardboard

balls, beads and poinsettia flowers.
Decorative false fireplace made of cardboard

Decorative false fireplace made of cardboard

Decorative false fireplace made of cardboard

We throw firewood and the included multi-colored garland inside the fireplace.
Decorative false fireplace made of cardboard

We put a couple of New Year's gifts, a small cute Christmas tree next to each other, brew a cup of hot cocoa and enjoy the result.
Decorative false fireplace made of cardboard
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