The simplest sandblasting machine

The simplest sandblasting machine

As you can see, these are rather large products, both in weight and in cost. Is it possible to make a 1-2 liter sandblasting device from scrap materials, spending a minimum of money? This is quite possible, especially if you have a spray gun at hand.
In everyday life, they can be used to clean rusty metal tools and parts, elements of metal gates before painting, and remove dirt from the surfaces of house and garden paths, tiled or cemented.

Manufacturing process of a simple sandblasting machine

Here are step-by-step instructions for making a homemade sandblasting machine that works on the principle of an ejector (spray gun).
Step 1. You need to buy or borrow an air gun rated for pressure up to 4 MPa, a plastic 0.5- or 1-liter bottle, a fitting, hoses and drills. We will mention other materials and tools as they are used at the appropriate step.
The simplest sandblasting machine

Step 2. We twist the cork from the bottle, and cut the remaining band on the neck with a carpenter’s knife and remove it. Screw the lid tightly into place.
The simplest sandblasting machine

Step 3.Using an electric drill and a 5 mm drill, we drill the diameter of the neck of the bottle on both sides, right under the cap itself.
The simplest sandblasting machine

Step 4. Carefully insert the tube from the kit to the air gun into the drilled holes. We determine on it the place where the bottle with sand will be located. It should be closer to the air gun. This will ensure greater structural reliability, better balancing and ease of use.
The simplest sandblasting machine

Step 5. We take the tube out of the holes in the bottle and use a marker to mark on the tube the place where an oblong hole will be cut to allow sand to come out of the container.
The simplest sandblasting machine

Step 6. Using a metal file, we make an oblong, narrow hole on the tube, carefully cleaning its edges.
The simplest sandblasting machine

The simplest sandblasting machine

Step 7. We return the tube to its place again, and the hole cut with a file should be directed downwards, and the bottle will be located vertically above it.
The simplest sandblasting machine

The simplest sandblasting machine

Step 8. Fill the places where the tube enters and exits the bottle with suitable glue, firstly, to ensure the strength of the connection, and secondly, for sealing, so that during operation of the sandblasting device the air supplied by the compressor does not escape outside.
After waiting for the glue to completely harden, you can begin testing the sandblasting machine by first pouring dry sand with a particle size of no more than 0.5 mm into a bottle, and connecting the gun with a hose to a compressor that is able to provide a pressure of 4 MPa (bar).
The simplest sandblasting machine

The simplest sandblasting machine

Step 9. We direct the gun tube at the dirt on the garden path, adjusting the air pressure, and therefore the sand flow, using the handle on the tool. The cleaning efficiency is obvious.
The simplest sandblasting machine

Step 10Let's try to remove rust from pliers that have been lying somewhere for a long time, exposed to water or humid air. By directing a stream of air mixed with sand at the rusty spots of the tool, we achieve its complete cleaning. After this treatment, the metal surface acquires a noble matte shade.
The simplest sandblasting machine

The simplest sandblasting machine

The simplest sandblasting machine

For information: a household air compressor is used as a source of compressed air, on the control panel of which there is an air flow adjustment knob, a flow meter, fittings for connecting hoses and a pressure gauge indicating the pressure in the system.
As a cleaning agent, along with fine sand, you can use finely crushed walnut shells.
The simplest sandblasting machine

Work safety

Particles of sand or its substitute fly out of the nozzle of a sandblasting device at a speed of tens of meters per second and, when reflected from the surface being cleaned, can damage unprotected parts of the body, especially eyes and hands.
Therefore, when working with a sandblasting machine, it is necessary to use personal protective equipment: goggles or a shield, a respirator, gloves, and long sleeves. It is advisable to carry out work outdoors or indoors with effective supply and exhaust ventilation.

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Comments (18)
  1. boyfox
    #1 boyfox Guests November 13, 2018 10:47
    This is not a sandblaster. It's more like a remote control. The basis is the compressor. It's not worth 5 dollars...
  2. Sergey K
    #2 Sergey K Visitors 13 November 2018 16:13
    But what about cleaning parts from paint, especially multi-layer paint?
    You can also clean the pliers with a brush...
  3. Andrew
    #3 Andrew Guests 13 November 2018 17:59
    Only the pressure is still 4 kPa, not 4 MPa. 4 MPa = 40 atm, a household compressor will not produce that much.
    1. Half
      #4 Half Guests 14 November 2018 18:24
      It doesn't grow together either. Normal atmospheric pressure is "10-to-the-fifth" Pa.
      That is, 100 kPa. Smells like a deep vacuum :)
  4. Half
    #5 Half Guests 13 November 2018 18:20
    I think the author needs to re-read the school physics textbook.
    1. Grumpy
      #6 Grumpy Guests 13 November 2018 21:33
      That's right, I'm also puzzled how a plastic bottle with glue can withstand 4 MPa.
    2. Half
      #7 Half Guests 14 November 2018 18:27
      What was meant here is that “MPa” is not at all equal to “bar,” even approximately.
      I read the original article (as far as “C” knowledge of the English language allowed) -
      There is no discussion about pressure at all near the above frame.
      Translator's fault? A humanist with fluent English is not a techie at all? :)
    3. Guest Roman
      #8 Guest Roman Guests 15 November 2018 14:43
      Tell me, is a car electric pump probably not suitable?(
      1. IN
        #9 IN Guests November 24, 2018 11:47
        Certainly. You will only need another 30 liter receiver
      2. DIMON
        #10 DIMON Guests 27 November 2018 05:48
        a hand pump will do
  5. Ilya
    #11 Ilya Guests 14 November 2018 14:14
    author, don’t listen to anyone! This is a brilliant device! =)
    1. Half
      #12 Half Guests 14 November 2018 18:18
      Exactly! Brilliant!!! The efficiency is about 400 percent!!!!!
  6. Dizel
    #13 Dizel Guests 15 November 2018 17:29
    4 MPa is almost 40 bar or 40 kg/cm2. 4 kpa is 0.04 bar
  7. Sergey
    #14 Sergey Guests 18 November 2018 19:46
    You read the comments and envy the education of the writers. One writes KPa, another - MPa, the third generally refers to a physics textbook. But the essence of the question is zero! In my opinion, a truly literate person would not pay attention to these values, because even a goat understands what the pressure should be. Damn smart guys.
  8. Sergey
    #15 Sergey Guests November 19, 2018 11:34
    To clean the pliers for 300 rubles, you need to buy a compressor for 300 rubles. The efficiency is simply amazing. I found money for a compressor, but for a sand container there was only enough money for a bottle
  9. Guest Alexey
    #16 Guest Alexey Guests November 21, 2018 11:47
    Hmm, people, any proposal has supporters and opponents, some like it, some don’t. My opinion is that the homemade product is suitable, since I’m a truck driver and I always have a compressor on a tractor at hand, sand, one and a half rubles are also always available. It’s very convenient to fight off rust where you can’t reach with a metal brush or it’s just oily and oily. Moreover, there are a couple of old inflation pistols with crushed pressure gauges lying in the box. Just make a sawed tube. Previously, in the era of tube wheels, a similar homemade product was made for pumping air out of spare chambers, such as vacuuming , to reduce their dimensions during storage. And as for whether the plastic will withstand pressure, but there is no pressure, in the bottle there will be, on the contrary, a vacuum, pressure only on the gun valve and an air-sand jet stream at the outlet of the tube.
  10. Vitaly
    #17 Vitaly Guests November 24, 2018 11:43
    The simplest sandblaster is connected to the simplest compressor for $600, which in turn is powered by the simplest nuclear reactor... Isn’t it easier to buy new pliers and cover the concrete paths with gold leaf?