Powerful linear voltage stabilizer

To power various electronic devices and DIY circuits, you need a power source whose output voltage can be adjusted within a wide range. With its help, you can observe how the circuit behaves at a particular supply voltage. At the same time, it must be able to produce high current to power a powerful load, and minimal ripple at the output. A linear voltage stabilizer - the LM338 microcircuit - is ideal for the role of such a power source; it provides a current of up to 5 A, has protection against overheating and short circuits at the output. Its connection diagram is quite simple, it is presented below.


The LM338 chip has three pins - input (in), output (out) and control (adj). We apply a constant voltage of a certain value to the input, and remove a stabilized voltage from the output, the value of which is set by variable resistor P2. The output voltage is adjustable from 1.25 volts to the input value, with a deduction of 1.5 volts. Simply put, if the input is, for example, 24 volts, then the output voltage will vary from 1.25 to 22.5 volts.You should not apply more than 30 volts to the input; the microcircuit may go into protection. The larger the capacitance of the capacitors at the input, the better, because they smooth out the ripples. The capacitance of the capacitors at the output of the microcircuit must be small, otherwise they will retain a charge for a long time and the output voltage will be regulated incorrectly. In this case, each electrolytic capacitor must be shunted with a film or ceramic capacitor with a low capacity (in the diagram these are C2 and C4). When using a circuit with high currents, the microcircuit must be installed on a radiator, because it will dissipate the entire voltage drop. If the currents are small - up to 100 mA, a radiator is not required.

Stabilizer assembly

The entire circuit is assembled on a small printed circuit board measuring 35 x 20 mm, which can be manufactured using the LUT method. The printed circuit board is completely ready for printing; there is no need to mirror it. Below are some photos of the process.

It is advisable to tin the tracks, this will reduce their resistance and protect them from oxidation. When the printed circuit board is ready, we begin to solder the parts. The microcircuit is soldered directly onto the board, with its back towards the edge. This arrangement allows you to mount the entire board with the microcircuit on the radiator. The variable resistor is output from the board on two wires. You can use any variable resistor with a linear characteristic. In this case, its middle pin is connected to any of the outer ones, the resulting two contacts go to the board, as can be seen in the photo. It is most convenient to use a terminal block to connect the input and output wires. After assembly, it is necessary to check the correct installation.

Launch and testing

When the board is assembled, you can proceed to testing.We connect a low-power load to the output, for example, Light-emitting diode with resistor and voltmeter to monitor voltage. We apply voltage to the input and monitor the voltmeter readings; the voltage should change when the knob is rotated from minimum to maximum. Light-emitting diode this will change the brightness. If the voltage is regulated, then the circuit is assembled correctly, you can place the microcircuit on a radiator and test it with a more powerful load. This adjustable stabilizer is ideal for use as a laboratory power supply. Particular attention should be paid to the choice of microcircuit, because it is very often counterfeited. Fake microcircuits are cheap, but easily burn out at a current of 1 - 1.5 Amperes. The original ones are more expensive, but they honestly provide the declared current of up to 5 Amps. Happy assembly.

Watch the video

The video clearly shows the operation of the stabilizer. As the variable resistor rotates, the voltage changes smoothly from minimum to maximum and vice versa, Light-emitting diode At the same time, the brightness changes.

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Comments (6)
  1. Guest Evgeniy
    #1 Guest Evgeniy Guests 1 September 2018 18:04
    Quite a standard scheme.It will work, however, it should be taken into account that at low output voltages it is extremely uneconomical. And the power dissipation on it should not exceed 25 Watts, according to the datasheet (in a TO-3 metal case - 50 Watts) - this is with a radiator. That is, at a current of 5A it will overheat even when the stabilizer drops about 7-8 volts.
    In such cases, it is recommended to use a transformer with taps and switch the input voltage of the stabilizer with the expectation of obtaining a voltage drop across the IC of no more than 5 - 6 volts.
  2. Vadim Chernyavsky
    #2 Vadim Chernyavsky Guests 1 September 2018 23:50
    I once powered one stabilizer - LM7805 from 24 volts. Nothing good. It was hot like an iron. I gained 40-50 degrees on the radiator. And it finally exploded.
  3. Guest Vasily
    #3 Guest Vasily Guests 2 September 2018 22:48
    I bought 2 pieces and both are not working...
  4. Guest Dmitry
    #4 Guest Dmitry Guests September 3, 2018 07:13
    The main thing that you want to know about the stabilizer is the magnitude of the pulsations, but not a word about them.
  5. Guest Alexey
    #5 Guest Alexey Guests November 27, 2019 09:20
    Can this circuit be used to charge 18655 batteries?
  6. Kostya
    #6 Kostya Guests 16 May 2023 23:03
    Why are there diodes with a resistor?