How to make a 220V generator using a 2-stroke engine

Today, autonomous technologies are increasingly attracting interest. And this is no coincidence, because for lovers of travel and recreation outside the city, this is a real find, and sometimes salvation. The popularity of such gadgets is also due to the fact that they can be made, if not from improvised materials, then certainly not from expensive materials.
Our dynamo generator is as unique as it is simple. However, with its help you can, for example, adjust lighting in a house or tent on a lake, or even connect a small heater. Well, if your phone or tablet is dead, you can easily charge any of these devices.
How to make a 220 V generator

We collect the necessary components and tools

This unit consists of the following parts:
  • Motor from a brush cutter;
    How to make a 220 V generator

  • DC motor – 12-24V;
    How to make a 220 V generator

  • Inverter 12-220V;
    How to make a 220 V generator

  • Pipes (pieces of flexible PVC pipe of different diameters)
  • A piece of board for the frame (thickness 35-40mm);
  • Hardware – self-tapping screws, screws, bolts, nuts, clamps, terminals;
  • Insulating tape.

The tools we will need are:
  • Drill or screwdriver + drill bits and Phillips bit for self-tapping screws;
  • Circular saw or jigsaw (for lovers of manual labor, a hacksaw is suitable);
  • Voltmeter;
  • Screwdrivers, pliers, paint knife or scissors;
  • Square, tape measure.

Operating principle of a dynamo generator

The basis of our generator is a DC motor, which is capable of operating in generator mode by converting mechanical energy into electrical energy through the phenomenon of electromagnetic induction. The rotation of the armature in the magnetic field of the primary winding of a DC motor is ensured by the motor from the brush cutter. When a DC motor rotates in generator mode, an alternating EMF is generated, which is converted into a DC voltage through the brush commutator.

Let's start assembling the unit

Stage one: fix the motor from the brush cutter

To begin with, we take a piece of board and pre-cut it to the size of our bed. It is advisable to take weighty material so that our equipment has a strong and reliable base.
How to make a 220 V generator

We mark the position of the engine from the brush cutter. Using a paper template, we mark the holes exactly, drilling them with a drill or screwdriver.
How to make a 220 V generator

How to make a 220 V generator

Let's try both engines on the bed. We disconnect the fuel tank and attach the engine from the brush cutter to the seats.
How to make a 220 V generator

How to make a 220 V generator

Stage two: attaching the DC motor

Mark the position of the engine. The distance from both motor shafts should be a few centimeters to avoid friction between them.
How to make a 220 V generator

We center the shafts of our engines. The easiest way to correct the discrepancy between the centers is to use some spacers, or simply adjust the seat on the wooden frame. This can be done with an ordinary chisel. The less play between the shafts, the less vibration from the unit and wear of the moving part.
How to make a 220 V generator

We mark the pipes.Most often, engine shafts differ in diameter. This can also be corrected if PVC hoses of different diameters are used as connecting pipes. Their flexibility will help smooth out the slightest inaccuracy in the alignment of the shafts. In our case, the author used two hoses of different diameters, inserting one into the other.
How to make a 220 V generator

How to make a 220 V generator

Having cut off the pipes to the length we need, we attach three clamps on both sides, pressing them with a screwdriver.
How to make a 220 V generator

We fix the DC motor with self-tapping screws, having previously laid them with washers. We connect the shafts by hand and tighten the clamps with a screwdriver.
How to make a 220 V generator

Now you can attach the fuel tank. It is not difficult to cope with this task using a long self-tapping screw and a cut cap from a dowel-nail. Don't forget to connect the fuel pipes.
How to make a 220 V generator

How to make a 220 V generator

Having started the fuel engine with the starter, we measure the output voltage with a voltmeter. Using a screwdriver, we adjust the fuel supply and the number of revolutions, on which the voltage depends. Based on the inverter rating, we set the output voltage with a small margin.
How to make a 220 V generator

Stage three: connect the inverter

We fix the pre-stripped ends of the cables from the DC motor to the inverter terminals. The power indicator will immediately show the activity of the device.
How to make a 220 V generator

How to make a 220 V generator

With a simple test (a light bulb with a piece of cable and a plug at the end) we check the operation of our miracle generator.
How to make a 220 V generator

To connect the electric motor to the inverter we use terminals.
How to make a 220 V generator

Stage four: engine shutdown button

Since we have a driving motor that creates mechanical rotation, it needs a switch. The shutdown button comes with the device, so you just need to find a convenient place for it.
How to make a 220 V generator

How to make a 220 V generator

Stage five: making the casing-frame

We make a protective frame from polypropylene pipes with a diameter of 25-32mm, making holes in the frame with a feather drill.
How to make a 220 V generator

How to make a 220 V generator

We connect it at the corners using fittings.
How to make a 220 V generator

If you don’t have a plumber’s soldering iron, the structure can be joined using specialized glue for PP pipes.
How to make a 220 V generator

This frame will also help in carrying the device.
How to make a 220 V generator

Well, to eliminate the noise from vibration of our device, you can attach 4 thrust bearings to the back side of the frame, making them as shown in the photo, from pieces of an old bicycle inner tube.
How to make a 220 V generator

Stage six: starting battery

To avoid having to pull the fuel engine starter once again, the author of the video used a lithium polymer battery (LiPo) to briefly start the DC motor. This comparative new device can indeed be powerful and withstand a large number of duty cycles with minimal loss of capacitive power. In this way, the fuel engine is started electrically, while its starter remains as a backup option.
How to make a 220 V generator

We connect the outgoing contacts of the battery to the inverter terminals through the starting toggle switch, tying the cable of wires with nylon ties. The charging socket can be located on the side to make it convenient to connect it for charging.
How to make a 220 V generator

We also attach the fuel engine shutdown button.
How to make a 220 V generator

Stage seven: test run of the unit

After checking all contact groups and fastenings of prefabricated elements, we start the unit. The engine start and stop buttons must work flawlessly. It is worth noting that the starting battery is only used for a few seconds and then turns off.
How to make a 220 V generator

Tips for use

For long-term and safe operation of the DC motor and inverter, no special conditions are required, except perhaps protection from moisture and voltage surges.
As for the lithium-polymer battery, it is unacceptable to deeply discharge it (less than 3.3 V) and in no case allow it to overheat above 60 degrees Celsius. Such devices are also charged using specialized devices that do not allow overcharging, and before using in the cold, be sure to warm them up at room temperature.
Fuel engines also require compliance with operating rules: correct selection of the combustible mixture, cleaning of air and fuel filters, preventing engine overheating, etc. In an enclosed area, exhaust gases from such an engine must be ventilated.
As for the rest, such equipment, assembled with your own hands, can last for a long time, supplying precious electricity in the country, fishing, or just on vacation outside the city!

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Comments (10)
  1. Guest Peter
    #1 Guest Peter Guests 12 February 2018 16:56
    Great option.
    1. Guest Igor
      #2 Guest Igor Guests 21 July 2018 16:14
      If you have ever seen a pump (generator) and an engine in operation at least once in your life, you should know that connection is only possible through coupling halves.It is possible through a spline connection, but this requires very high precision in fitting the connection.
      This is a thing for children from the graduating group of kindergarten. Otherwise, this entire structure will be broken in a couple of minutes at most. I mean the connection between the generator and engine shafts.
  2. Valery I.
    #3 Valery I. Guests 9 March 2018 21:34
    As they say, a man is rich with his money, but poor with his imagination.
  3. Guest Igor
    #4 Guest Igor Guests 20 July 2018 21:04
    God! Yes, in life, the shafts of an engine and any other unit (generator, pump, compressor) are connected by HALF COUPLERS. Only an idiot can connect them with a piece of hose. It will break in a couple of minutes if there is even a slight misalignment.
    And what kind of alignment can be achieved by installing the engine and generator on a WOODEN base is a complete mystery to me. This can only be achieved on a concrete or metal (thick) platform.
    1. Alexey
      #5 Alexey Guests August 4, 2018 04:40
      The design is low-power and requires a concrete base (where have you ever seen portable generators with a concrete or some other massive base); the role of a semi-coupling can be perfectly fulfilled by a piece of hose. The only thing that can be done with this design is if it’s all lying around in the garage and there is a need, otherwise it’s easier to buy a cheap generator and that’s exactly what it will do.
      1. Guest Igor
        #6 Guest Igor Guests 31 August 2018 16:26
        One time I was too lazy to center the pump and motor. The engine power was only 1.5 kW. I approach the pump after 15 minutes, and the rubber liner in the coupling half is already broken into pieces. I got lazy again and replaced the rubber liner. I come up 5 minutes later, again everything is already broken. Fortunately, while the workshop was standing still, they were fixing another problem.
        Only then did I center the shafts and everything began to work perfectly.
        I repeat once again, on a wooden base, even a low-power engine will very quickly break this hose, which acts as a coupling half.
        The person is simply not connected with this matter at all and therefore is speaking outright nonsense.
        No rotating unit should be mounted on a board. Only on metal (thick) or on a concrete base.
  4. Guest Alexander
    #7 Guest Alexander Guests September 13, 2018 08:10
    How does electric starting work when the engine clearly has a centrifugal clutch? Deception!
  5. Guest Alexey
    #8 Guest Alexey Guests 8 December 2018 16:58
    It can be connected through a small diameter with a belt and pulleys. With different diameters you can change the speed of the generator.
  6. Anatoly Konovalov
    #9 Anatoly Konovalov Guests 24 April 2019 19:08
    Everything ingenious is simple, but what they write is that your coupling will fly apart in 2 minutes, if the unit was invented, then the coupling is not a problem. They also write about concrete and steel foundations, well, they can be used if you come up with a power plant.
  7. covox
    #10 covox Guests August 20, 2021 11:17
    In addition to the clutch, this design has another significant drawback: the lack of a speed controller for a gasoline engine. It is not needed in a brush cutter, because... The scythe is controlled manually, but in a power plant an automatic regulator is simply necessary. Without it, under load, the speed drops and the voltage drops. Thus, the power of the power plant is practically limited by the engine power at idle or requires manual adjustment for any load change.