Wicker vase made from newspaper tubes

Have you ever tried weaving paper tubes? If the answer is yes, then you know exactly how exciting this activity is. If not, then it's time to master this simple technique. This article reveals all the important secrets of weaving from newspaper tubes. You will learn how to make a wicker vase for flower arrangements.
For work, collect the following materials:
  • magazine or newspaper sheets;
  • scissors;
  • a thin long skewer, a pen rod or a knitting needle;
  • PVA glue;
  • 0.5 l jar;
  • thick cardboard;
  • pencil;
  • blue acrylic paint;
  • a piece of foam;
  • any natural material (for example, cones).

Take a newspaper. The larger it is, the longer the tubes for weaving will be.
Wicker vase made from newspaper tubes

Cut the newspaper to length.
Wicker vase made from newspaper tubes

Take one strip of paper. Attach the rod from the pen (knitting needle, thin stick) to the lower right corner. Pressing the corner against the rod, begin to curl the paper.
Wicker vase made from newspaper tubes

Gradually you will get a thin paper tube.
Wicker vase made from newspaper tubes

Coat the corner with PVA glue and securely fix it to the tube. This will prevent your workpiece from unwinding.
Wicker vase made from newspaper tubes

Remove the rod. The paper tube is ready!
Wicker vase made from newspaper tubes

Using the same method, wind about 20-25 tubes.
Wicker vase made from newspaper tubes

Now draw 2 circles of the same diameter on a piece of cardboard. You can use a 0.5-liter jar as a stencil.
Wicker vase made from newspaper tubes

Cut out circles. Glue 13 tubes onto one of them, as shown in the photo. Lubricate them with PVA glue on top too.
Wicker vase made from newspaper tubes

Then place the second circle and press with your hands.
Wicker vase made from newspaper tubes

Leave the workpiece overnight so that the glue dries and the tubes stick securely to the circles.
In the morning, work can continue. Take a half-liter jar, place it on a cardboard circle and bend all the paper tubes up. The jar is needed for even, neat weaving.
Wicker vase made from newspaper tubes

Now take one paper tube, bend it in half and put it on one of the base tubes.
Wicker vase made from newspaper tubes

Weaving begins. The half of the tube, which is in the foreground, should intertwine the vertical stick and lie in the background of the work. Then the front part again intertwines the nearby vertical stick.
Wicker vase made from newspaper tubes

Gradually, a weave will emerge.
When the tube becomes short, it will need to be extended.
Wicker vase made from newspaper tubes

To do this, 2 additional tubes are put on the edges (extension).
Wicker vase made from newspaper tubes

Wicker vase made from newspaper tubes

The weaving continues.
Wicker vase made from newspaper tubes

Make sure that the coils lie evenly and are not too tight.
Wicker vase made from newspaper tubes

When you reach the neck of the jar, you can finish the work. Glue the remaining ends of the tube inside.
The jar is removed. The weaving is reliable.
Wicker vase made from newspaper tubes

All that remains is to trim the edges of the vertical tubes.
Wicker vase made from newspaper tubes

The result is an interesting paper vase.
Wicker vase made from newspaper tubes

If you paint it with blue acrylic paint, it will look like this.
Wicker vase made from newspaper tubes

Wicker vase made from newspaper tubes

Wicker vase made from newspaper tubes

Before filling it with natural material, the bottom needs to be reinforced with a piece of polystyrene foam.
Wicker vase made from newspaper tubes

It is convenient to fix cones, branches of pine, thuja and juniper on it.
Wicker vase made from newspaper tubes

It makes a great winter composition.
Wicker vase made from newspaper tubes

Wicker vase made from newspaper tubes

Natural material can be changed according to the seasons, but the vase will remain the same. The craft looks very beautiful!
  • bowtiesmilelaughingblushsmileyrelaxed relaxedsmirk
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