Dog using patchwork technique

The most fabulous holiday is approaching - New Year. And what does it take to meet it as brightly as possible? Of course, bright little things, accessories and souvenirs. Made with your own hands, they give a feeling of warmth and charge you with positivity. We suggest sewing a pillow from multi-colored scraps. But not a simple one, but stylized as the symbol of the coming 2018 - a dog.
Dog using patchwork technique

For work you will need the following materials and tools:
  • scraps of thick fabric of different colors;
  • threads;
  • scissors;
  • square or ruler for cutting;
  • pillow filling.

The first stage of creating a product is cutting. Cut 82 squares of equal size from the prepared flaps. The larger the side of each square you use, the larger the pillow you will get. For example, if the side of the square is 10 cm, then the finished product will measure about 50 cm in height and 60 cm in width.
Dog using patchwork technique

After cutting, arrange the squares on the table according to the template to choose a color combination. You can pin together the resulting layout with pins for convenience. Or you can simply photograph it and use the photo as a guide for further work.
Dog using patchwork technique

After that, start sewing the squares together one by one, methodically assembling this original dog pillow puzzle.
Dog using patchwork technique

Dog using patchwork technique

Dog using patchwork technique

Leave two or three squares at the bottom of the pillow unstitched, turn the product right side out and place the filling inside. If the side of the square is 10 cm, then the filler for the pillow will need about 300 - 400 g.
Dog using patchwork technique

Dog using patchwork technique

Dog using patchwork technique

Dog using patchwork technique

Once the filler is evenly distributed inside the product, carefully sew up the remaining hole by hand. The pillow is ready.
Dog using patchwork technique
  • bowtiesmilelaughingblushsmileyrelaxed relaxedsmirk
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