Panna cotta with oranges

The basis of this treat is traditional. After all, the Italians, who lay claim to the laurels of the authors of the dessert, cannot imagine it without boiled cream. In the same combination of products, everything turns into a sophisticated dessert that is flattering to present to any cook, home-grown or professional. And the fact that oranges can be purchased today regardless of the season gives you the chance to use the recipe for such a delicacy whenever you want.
Preparing pannochka is not difficult, but you need to have enough time left for the dessert to harden and take the ideal shape.
Ingredients for three oranges:
  • 400 ml cream;
  • 40 g (without a slide) sugar for the creamy mass + a tablespoon for the orange mass;
  • water as needed;
  • 10 g gelatin.

Panna cotta with oranges

How and what to do:
From an orange, one and pre-washed, I remove ribbons of zest. I manage to squeeze them out, extracting precious droplets of juice. No, I use whole tapes. The peeled orange will come in handy later. I hide it in the refrigerator. I put the cream and sugar on low heat.
Panna cotta with oranges

Panna cotta with oranges

Panna cotta with oranges

The white crystals will dissolve, put the zest into the saucepan. After a few minutes, I remove the aromatic mass from the stove and leave it covered for 30 minutes.I soak half a portion of gelatin in water, if indicated on the package, before combining it with the creamy mass. While the thickener reaches a jelly state, I remove the zest from the cream. Then I return them to the fire. Add squeezed gelatin. If the gelatin is instant and does not require additional procedures, I add it directly to the cream. I quickly mix everything so that no lumps form. I don't let the cream boil. As soon as the gelatin crystals melt, I pour the finished mass into bowls (short glasses, glasses with wide brims), which I cover with cling film.
Panna cotta with oranges

Panna cotta with oranges

Panna cotta with oranges

Panna cotta with oranges

Panna cotta with oranges

Panna cotta with oranges

Panna cotta with oranges

I put them in the refrigerator for two hours. I squeeze the juice out of the remaining two oranges. The original source recommended diluting it with water so that 250–300 ml of liquid is obtained. However, I don’t do this; natural juice is quite enough. I heat it slightly with sugar to allow the sweet crystals to dissolve well. After removing from the heat, mix the remaining amount of gelatin, soaked or instant, into the orange mixture. I’m waiting for this composition of deliciousness to cool down. If you pour it directly onto the cream base, it may melt. Only when the orange mixture has cooled do I pour it into the snow-white base of the dessert.
Panna cotta with oranges

Panna cotta with oranges

Panna cotta with oranges

Panna cotta with oranges

Panna cotta with oranges

Panna cotta with oranges

Panna cotta with oranges

Panna cotta with oranges

Panna cotta with oranges

Panna cotta with oranges

I cool both layers in the refrigerator for about an hour or two. Before serving the treat, I will work on decorating the dessert. For this I need an orange, saved for later. I peel it from the whitish crust, remove the films from the slices and cut them. I put orange fruit pieces for dessert. The orange panna cotta is ready to be presented and enjoyed!
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Comments (1)
  1. Mira
    #1 Mira Guests 10 August 2017 12:28
    I always wanted to know what panna cotta is))), and now I finally found out. A delicious dish and an interesting presentation. First I made it as a test, and then again for a friend’s birthday, everyone really liked it.