How to disassemble a computer and clean it

This need arises, for example, to clean a PC from dust or replace thermal paste on heating elements, such as a processor, video card, motherboard chips (north and south bridges).
There is also a need to replace a unit, or make an upgrade—upgrade the equipment to a more modern one. Sometimes you can replace something without removing the motherboard, but sometimes this is necessary for convenience and to avoid the possibility of damaging the element when bending during installation. When the board is removed, it is possible to support it from the back side, preventing such bending.

Removing the cover.

Yes, to get inside the system unit you need to remove one, or sometimes better, two side covers of the case. How to do it? There are specific screws on the back of the system unit, two for each cover. Using any small screwdriver, be it Phillips or straight, we unscrew them.
How to disassemble a computer and clean it

Almost all models of cases have special recesses on the covers; you should pull them back. This will release the latches and the sides will be easily removed.
How to disassemble a computer and clean it

Now the entire “stuffing” of the electronic machine is gaping in front of you.
How to disassemble a computer and clean it


If you still decide to completely disassemble your PC, then first of all you need to disconnect the cords. There are a lot of them and they are of different appearance. There is usually a latch on the side of the connector that you press to release. Failure to do this may result in the connector breaking, which may result in the motherboard having to be replaced. Therefore, you need to be careful and carefully inspect the connection point before removing it.
How to disassemble a computer and clean it

How to disassemble a computer and clean it

To remember where which wires were and in what position, it is better to use a camera and photograph how the connectors are located.
How to disassemble a computer and clean it

This is especially true for the front panel plug. Sometimes they are scattered chaotically and it is extremely difficult to put them back in the correct order, especially for beginners.
How to disassemble a computer and clean it

It is better to take pictures from different angles and distances. This way you can see the inscriptions on the plugs and the colors of the wires.

Removing the video card.

Once the plugs are removed, we proceed to dismantling the video card. It is usually large in size and when you unscrew the mounting screw that secures it to the case, the card will dangle freely from side to side, which can damage the connector on the motherboard.
Therefore, we release the fastening latch, which is located on the right, below the video card. To do this, feel it with your finger and press the lever down. In this case, the card will come out of the slot halfway. Then we simply pull it with our fingers without damaging its elements.
How to disassemble a computer and clean it

I would like to remind you once again that all operations with computer components must be performed after first removing static from the body. To do this, just touch the radiator or tap in the bathroom before doing anything. There is also no need to wear woolen or synthetic materials before work. It is better to dress in cotton clothes.
After dismantling, we carefully place the video card, like other components, in one place. Not on top of each other, but side by side, with the main elements facing up.
If you have a cat, then this is more difficult. Firstly, this is a source of static, and secondly, when you leave, something can fly to the floor. And this is not good. The cat will run away, and you will have to buy a new expensive part. In such cases, you can put everything in a lockable box.
If the power supply and processor cooling do not interfere, then remove the motherboard along with the processor. This way there is less chance that when removing the cooler the screwdriver will fly off and pick apart the board, and it will also be clearer what exactly needs to be rotated and where.

Removing the motherboard.

There are screws around the perimeter of the board that must be carefully unscrewed and placed in a separate box. For convenience, we place the system unit on its side and use a magnetized screwdriver to unscrew the screws one by one. Afterwards, we check whether they are all dismantled. If yes, then when the board moves it will move freely.
How to disassemble a computer and clean it

We take the processor cooler with one hand and the opposite end of the board with the other and carefully pull it out.
How to disassemble a computer and clean it

It is very important not to bend the board, so we place it on a flat surface. Now let's see how we can remove the cooling to get to the processor.
Here in the photo is one of the options.
How to disassemble a computer and clean it

This is a boxed cooler for Intel coket 775 processors.
Everything is very simple here. Using a screwdriver, turn the latch 90? and pull it up slightly.
How to disassemble a computer and clean it

This must be done on all four fasteners. Then simply pull the cooler up. It should come out fairly easily.
Now you can wipe off the thermal paste from the processor and cooler with alcohol and apply a new layer before reassembling.
North and south bridge.
These are chips on the motherboard that are responsible for certain functions.They also get hot, which can cause system instability. Therefore, it is also necessary to periodically change the paste on their radiators. The south bridge on cheap motherboards may not have a radiator at all.
How to disassemble a computer and clean it

Sometimes users glue it themselves or attach it in a different way. In any case, this will only benefit the system.
It is easy to remove such a radiator. Depending on the model, the method is different.
How to disassemble a computer and clean it

But usually it is clear what needs to be done. In this case, you just need to pull the fasteners towards you, squeezing the spacers on the opposite side of the board.
How to disassemble a computer and clean it

You can even do this with tweezers.
How to disassemble a computer and clean it

When the spacers are free, the radiator can be easily removed.
How to disassemble a computer and clean it

How to disassemble a computer and clean it

Removing dust.

When everything is disassembled, you can carefully vacuum the system unit itself.
How to disassemble a computer and clean it

Boards such as motherboard, video card, RAM, processor cooler and video cards can be blown out with an enema bulb. A very useful thing in such cases, especially if you have animals that litter everywhere with their fur. You will see tufts of this wool in your PC.
How to disassemble a computer and clean it

In general, you can blow with anything that can direct a point flow of air, for example, a compressor. There’s just a “pear” in every home.
You can wipe the boards with a cotton swab soaked in triple cologne. And the smell will be there and the dust will go away.
How to disassemble a computer and clean it

In hard-to-reach places, use a match or a toothpick with cotton wool wrapped around it.

But you need not to overdo it, not to make great efforts, so as not to “demolish” some capacitor or resistor. Be gentle with your faithful iron friend.
You also need to reassemble the device, only in reverse order. All connectors should be in place. Difficulties may arise with the front panel wires. But using pre-taken photographs there should be no problems.
That's probably all. Good luck with your PC.
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Comments (2)
  1. Gravity Flyz
    #1 Gravity Flyz Guests 25 February 2017 20:40
    Hello, I read your article very interesting! I like it! Watch my video in which I disassembled an old hard drive and found very strong magnets in it!
  2. Blebik
    #2 Blebik Guests December 10, 2020 12:56
    An interesting article, of course, and it probably even helped someone. But why do you now say that everything needs to be turned off in a certain order? Otherwise, the energy remaining in the power supply may come out somewhere wrong and burn the motherboard, for example.