Take music with you or the "Muz ON" project

It was evening, there was nothing. While surfing the Internet, I came across this device:

And I really wanted it, but as it turned out later, they don’t sell it in our city. Well, if they don’t sell it, then we’ll make it.
The matter began with the fact that Logitech S100 speakers were purchased

I took them apart and threw out everything unnecessary: ​​transformer, shortened the wires

Next, using plexiglass and gun glue, a casing for the amplifier was made

Not too neat, but still invisible.

Next, I started working on the purse (CD holder). I pulled out the CD sleeves and cut holes for the speakers.

And covered them with a net

Then I screwed the speakers in place

It was up to the amplifier, it was placed on the other side of the bag than the speakers, covered with a casing, and the casing was glued.
A crown holder was made from a piece of tin

Well, that's all. And the final photos

And in the end they turned out to be not bad portable speakers.
That's all!

come back
  • bowtiesmilelaughingblushsmileyrelaxed relaxedsmirk
4 minus one =
Comments (9)
  1. knm
    #1 knm Guests 12 February 2011 11:37
    Folks, I have very little knowledge of electronics, but I want to make something like this.
    I already have disassembled speakers and an output to the player, but how can I get it to be powered from the crown and not from 220??? Please help!!!
    #2 NOTFRONT Guests 12 February 2011 12:25
    Simple: cut off the wires that go from the board to the transformer and connect them to the crown!
  3. knm
    #3 knm Guests 12 February 2011 12:55
    thank you, got it, cool stuff)
  4. 95481
    #4 95481 Guests 12 April 2011 16:45
    I assembled a similar thing a long time ago and powered it with a battery of about 5 volts smile
  5. purgen2013
    #5 purgen2013 Guests 25 November 2011 19:56
    Nice, useful thing! In the summer I played with it, only the case from the player was there.
  6. t-Rein
    #6 t-Rein Guests 22 January 2012 17:49
    And I generally use a phone battery, and I charge it from a mobile charger!!!
  7. kiLLmachine
    #7 kiLLmachine Guests January 27, 2012 02:04
    I also bothered with this topic and it turned out quite well, I’ve been using it for 1.5 years now
  8. Star
    #8 Star Guests 5 August 2012 20:19
    I put this thing together. But I can't hear anything in my speakers. What to do? Please tell me.
    1. Guest Ruslan
      #9 Guest Ruslan Guests December 18, 2018 00:40
      Maybe you got the polarity wrong?