Soft toy without pattern

The history of sewing toys, including soft ones, begins long before our era. Toys were made from everything: wooden, animal bones, porcelain, clay, scraps, etc. In those days, toys were an expensive and almost inaccessible pleasure for ordinary people, as they were rare and cost a lot of money. With the advent of various fabrics, materials, faux fur, padding polyester, toys began to be produced in huge quantities and appeared on the open market for every taste and budget. Now on the Internet you can find many different toys made of faux fur, for which patterns and sewing methods are provided. The difficulty is that not every beginner can sew a toy they like, even with a full set of patterns. After all, there are many subtleties in stitching itself that you need to know in order for the product to turn out smooth and neat. Today I want to tell you how to sew a soft toy without a pattern or special skills.
To sew such a toy you will need:
-Faux fur, preferably long-haired;
-Sintepon for stuffing;
-Threads with a needle;
-Fittings eyes and tongue;
-Yarn and hook;
Beads large and small.

you will need

First, take the fur and cut off a small rectangular piece. Next, cut this strip in the middle and cut off all four corners of each resulting square.

cut off the fur

Both halves do not have to be perfectly even. All small inaccuracies will be hidden during stitching and they will not be visible in the finished result. We place both halves next to each other with the fur inside and sew them together so that there remains a small hole at the bottom, which will be needed to turn the product inside out.


Turn the sewn product inside out and put it aside for a while. Next you need to make two legs. To do this, you can take a thin cord or, if you don’t have one, take yarn of the same color as the toy’s fur and crochet two chains of air loops.

turn it inside out

Now we string or sew one large bead and one small bead onto two cords. We fix the beads with pieces of fur, sewing them to the base of the laces.

sew on one large bead at a time

sew on one large bead at a time

Now we take padding polyester or regular cotton wool and stuff the toy. Sew yarn legs into the hole left and sew up the hole.

stuffing the toy

Next we take the eyes for the soft toys and glue them to the fur base. In addition to the eyes, you can glue eyelashes and eyebrows - the effect will only be better. Instead of a mouth, you can take a toy tongue and cut a mouth out of it. If this is not the case, you can glue a regular red bead. We sew a loop of air loops on top and sew it to the toy, covering the seam with a bow made of satin ribbon.

Soft toy without pattern

The soft toy without a pattern is ready. You can give it as a gift or decorate your home interior by hanging it on a nail. Very often, similar toys can be found in car interiors, where these cute fluffies spin very interestingly as the car moves.This toy is sewn very quickly, so even a school-age child can make it himself. Inspiration to everyone and easy work!

Soft toy without pattern

Soft toy without pattern
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