Children's folding birthday card

The most favorite children's holiday, which they look forward to every year with great impatience, is their birthday. Many of them simply associate this holiday with a huge number of sweets and gifts, without understanding exactly its meaning. Over the years, they grow up and understand, but they still expect to be lulled with surprises and souvenirs on this day. Well, naturally, the design, preparation and holding of a children's birthday falls on the shoulders of the parents. They are responsible for this day, and they know best who to invite and what to prepare. Basically, the birthday person is congratulated by parents, godparents, brothers and sisters, and, if desired, some friends, it all depends on the age and needs of the child. For example, what should you give your child? Toys, candies, balls are all understandable, but they all break, get eaten, and eventually get bored and that’s it. But many people prefer to give money, and the child, together with his parents, chooses what he wants at the moment. But do not forget that money must be presented beautifully and tastefully.Therefore, you need to give them along with a postcard and sincere congratulations. You can be very original and make a postcard with your own hands, and even in a very interesting shape. Such postcards are made using the technique scrapbooking and right now we will consider one of these master classes.

For such an interesting master class we will need to take:
• Orange sheet of thick cardboard A4;
• Children's paper for scrapbooking in yellow-orange colors;
• Postcard layout;
• Children's pictures with fairies and bunnies, as well as various children's cuttings;
• Acrylic stamps with congratulatory inscriptions;
• Greenish ink and black;
• Figured white cutting for the inscription;
• Floral border hole punch;
• Wooden buttons, lettuce and orange flowers;
• Plastic yellow buttons;
• Satin ribbons, cream and pink;
• Clothespin;
• White and pink lace;
• Polymer peach rose;
• Small plastic buttons;
• PVA glue;
• Stationery knife;
• Ruler, pencil, double-sided tape, scissors.

Children's folding card

Children's folding card

So, first of all, we need a diagram and a sheet of cardboard to cut out the base of the folding shape. In our case, the cardboard is orange, and the card itself will be in yellow-orange colors.

Children's folding card

Children's folding card

We make all the marks according to the diagram, and in the place marked in purple, we make cuts with a stationery knife. We bend it at the bends and get this interesting base.

Children's folding card

Children's folding card

Now we cut out different figures from scrap paper to decorate the postcard, we also measure them against the ready-made base, removing 1-2 mm from the edges. We glue the pictures onto the shapes with double-sided tape.

Children's folding card

Children's folding card

We stamp “Happy Birthday” on the cut out frame. We make another stamping on white thick paper in green, and glue it onto the scrap figure. We sew on all the pictures and other elements.Now we glue all the figures in small pieces to the base.

Children's folding card

Children's folding card

We sew each fragment separately.

Children's folding card

Children's folding card

From the remaining strip of orange cardboard we make a loop and glue it together, and glue a frame with an inscription onto it. The card is folded and a loop with the inscription is put on.

Children's folding card

Children's folding card

Now we make stamped inscriptions on the postcard with different inscriptions.

Children's folding card

Children's folding card

Finally, now we glue decor. A little inside, a bow and flowers, and we decorate the front side. There we glue strips of lace, bows, flowers, beads, attach a button and you're done!

Children's folding card

Children's folding card

What came out was such an interesting postcard, just like a whole house. In the center, we don’t add one picture on top and put money there.

Children's folding card

Children's folding card

Thank you for your attention!

Children's folding card
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  • bowtiesmilelaughingblushsmileyrelaxed relaxedsmirk
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