Minion box

Funny yellow creatures called minions have won not only children's hearts, but also adults. Probably everyone would like to have such a cute creature at home. Today we offer you a Master Class on creating a minion from scrap materials.
We will need:

- Several types of fabrics of different colors and materials (better stretch):
- Yellow or light green fabric: for the body and hands;
- Black: for hands, mouth. And also black tape for glasses;
- Stretch in cheerful colors: for minion clothes;
- Old knitted fabric (for unraveling) or thread: for hair.
- Five-liter plastic bottle;
- CDs: 3 pcs;
- Velcro tape (Velcro): about 4 centimeters;
- Large bright buttons: 2 pcs;
- Glue or tape.

We will need

We should not get an ordinary minion, but a minion-box: we can store some small things in it.

minion box

Process of creation:
1. Prepare the bottle. Cut off the neck of the bottle and cut it in half.

Preparing the bottle

Preparing the bottle

Leave only 10 centimeters so that the top does not come off the bottom.

Preparing the bottle

We cut 2 holes on each side in the upper part, near the very middle cut.

holes on each side

We make the bottom one a little larger.They will be needed to attach the minion's hair and arms.
2. Creation of the body. We measure two pieces from the yellow fabric.

Creating a body

Size: bottle volume + 10 centimeters for bends. We sew two opposite edges to put the “skin” on the bottle.

Creating a body

Sew everything to the bottle.

Creating a body

There is no need to sew the fabric on top, as there will be hair here.
At this stage we have the following design.

Creating a body

3. Doing your hair. We took an old knitted sweater and unraveled it. This method is more convenient than using threads, since by leaving a small part unraveled, we will get rid of unnecessary hassle when attaching the hair.

Doing your hair

We thread the threads through the hole in the disk: the loose part slipped through easily, but the untouched part prevents the disk from falling and thereby fixes the threads.

Doing your hair

We release the hair from the inside of the bottle to the outside.

Doing your hair

The disc will serve as the “root” of the minion’s hair: it will prevent it from falling.

Doing your hair

Now we sew the top fabric to the bottle, and at the same time grab the fabric part of the hair (you can use threads from unraveling to make it unnoticeable).

Doing your hair

We fluff the threads and tie them at the ends of the braid. We thread them first into the lower hole cut on the side of the bottle, then into the upper one.

Let's get to the eyes

It should look like Pippi Longstocking's braids.

Doing your hair

Doing your hair

Doing your hair

Doing your hair

4. Let's move on to the eyes.
We will need:
• Colour pencils;
• Scissors;
• Scotch tape or glue;
• Ribbon;
• Landscape sheet.
Draw the minion's eye.

make an eye

make an eye

We outlined a circle along the disk and stepped back from the edges about two centimeters (approximately).

make an eye

This point is very important, since the remaining part of the disk will serve as the frame of the glasses. Cut out the resulting drawing.

make an eye

Glue the eye to the disk.

make an eye

5. Making the glasses frame. Here, if desired, you can use glue or tape. At the time of creation, we didn’t have “child-safe” glue on hand, so we took tape. We place the tape on top of the disk and cover it with another.

Making glasses frames

Glue it together.The glasses are ready.

Making glasses frames

All that remains is to tie it on the head and sew it on so that the eyes do not wander around the body.
6. Next step: creating a skirt. Since we used stretch fabric, we simply sewed two edges together and folded the others. You can immediately sew buttons on the sides. They will hold the minion's outfit and will also be needed for further modifications.

Sew hand holders

7. Sew hand holders.
The arms will play the role of a “connector” between the top and bottom, so they will look like this.

Sew hand holders

Sew the fabric together to create two strips.

Sew hand holders

Draw a hand template (minions have 3 fingers: don’t forget!).

Sew hand holders

Cut it out.

Sew hand holders

Sew it together.

Sew hand holders

Let's stuff it.

Sew hand holders

We connect the strips and the hand so that we get the option already shown earlier. We attach the hands to the bottom hole (that's why it should be wider) on the side of the minion like this.

Sew hand holders

8. Final stage: Hollywood smile.
We will need:
• Cardboard;
• White fabric;
• Black fabric;
• Velcro tape.

Hollywood smile

Create a smile template from cardboard and sew it to black fabric.

Hollywood smile

We sew Velcro on one side.

Hollywood smile

On the other hand, we make teeth from white fabric (for the effect of teeth, we simply pulled the fabric a little in some places with black threads).


We sew the other part of the Velcro to the body of the minion to make additional fastening. We sew the top of the smile to the body itself.


It turns out to be such a cute, toothy smile.


Well, our minion is ready.

Minion box

Minion box

By the way, we were inspired to create a cute minion in disguise by looking at the drawing.

Minion box

Good luck!
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  • bowtiesmilelaughingblushsmileyrelaxed relaxedsmirk
4 minus one =
Comments (1)
  1. Gulya
    #1 Gulya Guests 13 May 2016 02:43
    Cool!! super idea and execution!