Two images in one picture

It’s quite simple to make an unusual picture in which there will be two images at once. The main thing is a little patience, attention and accuracy.
To work you will need:
1. 2 photographs or pictures of the same size
2. cardboard, equal in size to the pictures or larger
3. white paper or any colored paper
4. glue
5. scissors
6. ruler
7. pencil.

For decoration: hole punch and satin ribbon.

To work you will need

First you need to make the basis of the picture. Cover the cardboard with a white sheet of paper. To do this, cut white paper 1.5-2 cm larger than the size of the cardboard.

make the basis of the picture

Glue a white sheet to the front side of the cardboard, carefully smooth it out so that the surface is absolutely flat. Fold the white paper over to the wrong side and glue it carefully. First from opposite sides, then from the remaining two. As a result, we get a base on which we will subsequently mount the images. You can also use colored paper, the main thing is that it is harmoniously combined with the selected images.

make the basis of the picture

If the images are not the same size, we crop the larger ones, making them equal in width and length.

You can also use colored paper

Divide the larger side of the picture into equal sections.It is better if there are not too many of them, but too large ones will not give the desired effect. So for a photograph 10 by 15 centimeters, the ideal size of the segments would be one centimeter. For a large image, we increase the size of our segments accordingly. Cut the images into equal strips along the long side. At the same time, without mixing them up, carefully fold them right side out.

cut into strips

Take a white sheet of paper and measure the height of the image.

divide into equal segments

Then we need to line our sheet into segments equal to the segments into which the images were cut.

divide into equal segments

We cut the sheet lined in this way into small strips, each of which should contain 4 segments.

divide into equal segments

We bend along the lines. For simplicity and to obtain a neat fold, you can draw along the line with the sharp end of the scissors.

Gluing triangles

Glue it together to form a triangle in cross-section.

Gluing triangles

Then we take our blanks and glue our images one by one.

glue the triangles

On one side of the triangle there should be a strip of the first image, on the other - a strip of the second.

glue the triangles

We continue in the same order: on the second blank there is a second strip from the first image and a second from the second.

glue the triangles

Make sure that one image is always on the right side, and the second on the left. As you work, fold the blanks with the strips already glued in the same order in which you made them.

glue the triangles

When all the strips with images are glued to the blanks, you can proceed to assembling the picture. To do this, in the same order, without rearranging, we glue our blanks onto the prepared base.

two images in one picture

As a result of the work, you will receive a miracle picture that will include two images at once. From different angles you will be able to see one of them.

two images in one picture

two images in one picture

To finish, you need to make holes in the base with a hole punch and thread the tape through them. That's it, the amazing painting is ready, you can hang it on the wall.

two images in one picture
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