Sweet box-heart

In order to make an interesting craft - a box-box in the shape of a heart for Valentine's Day, you do not need any special skills, but only your desire and time.

So what do we need:
  • quilling paper,
  • plain white paper,
  • regular cardboard,
  • colored cardboard,
  • satin fabric,
  • foam rubber,
  • PVA glue,
  • scotch,
  • stapler,
  • scissors,
  • contents to fill.

Initially, we decide on the dimensions of the future product. In order for your product to be ideal in size, create an initial heart template from which all calculations will be based. You can either draw it yourself or find it on the Internet. We cut out two copies from ordinary cardboard, one standard, the other 0.5 cm larger, one from ordinary paper and one from colored cardboard. Regular cardboard will act as the box itself, the rest of the templates will be for decoration. Then, you need to cut a strip out of cardboard, with a width equal to the height of the side, and add another 2-3 cm to this size. The length of the strip will be equal to the circumference of the heart template. We bend the edge along the width by the remaining 2-3 cm, in an even strip along the entire length, and make cuts every centimeter.Starting from the middle of the heart - a cardboard template, we apply our strip and carefully fix it with tape. If one overlaps too much, you can cut off the corners of the stripes. And you will get something like this.

sweet box heart

Now we take the second heart blank, which is 0.5 cm larger, and do the same thing. We should have a box that closes tightly. Now let's start with the design. We take quilling paper, quilling tools, or a cut toothpick, a heart template made from plain paper, and PVA glue. We make all kinds of curls from quilling paper.

sweet box heart

Carefully glue them onto our template. For gluing, just dip the curl in PVA glue, but not completely, just the lower part. You will have a finished top part of the lid.

sweet box heart

sweet box heart

When the glue dries a little, take the quilling panel and carefully glue it onto the cardboard cover.

sweet box heart

You can decorate the side with colored cardboard. Our lid is already ready. After this, we will begin decorating the lower part. We put foam rubber on the bottom of our ready-made cardboard box. You only need a little of it, just to cover the bottom a little. Using a stapler, carefully nail the fabric to the cardboard from the inside. After this, glue a colored cardboard template onto the bottom. After this, you can fill your box with the contents.

sweet box heart

sweet box heart

And this way we get a beautiful top and bottom part of the box. Next, you can decorate everything with festive ribbons.

sweet box heart

sweet box heart

This is how quickly and easily you can get something original present for Valentine's Day.
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