Pincushion in the form of a sewing machine

When children grow up and begin to pick up a needle and thread, they must immediately instill the correct attitude towards the needle. It shouldn't be lying around anywhere. And here pincushions in the form of small toys come to the rescue. Children poke needles there with great eagerness. Let's work together to make a simple, soft, functional toy that will serve a good cause and prevent needles from being found in unexpected places in your home.

cut out paper parts

The pattern can be increased by you to any size, but I suggest making the base from a waste foam sponge, it is small. So, cut out the paper parts. The dimensions of the sides of the rectangle that we cut out of cardboard match the shape of the sponge.

Cutting out parts from fabric

We cut out the parts from the fabric according to paper patterns, leaving a small margin everywhere for seams, and for the cardboard pattern we leave a little more. We make the fabric for wrapping the sponge with even larger reserves so that we can wrap it and turn the fabric on the other side.

Place the cardboard piece

Place the cardboard piece in the center and apply glue along its outline.

press glue strips

Let's take advantage of the "Crystal" moment. The glue is good because it does not dry so quickly, but it holds the material perfectly.Fold the edges over the glue strips and press with your fingers or a spatula (whichever is more convenient). We leave it to dry, you can press it down with a weight for reliability.

apply glue

We take a sponge - it’s okay that it’s old. Apply glue to one of the surfaces.

secure with pins

We put the material on it and secure it with pins on the reverse side. If you do not fix it, then it will be difficult to sew it to the sponge.

We fix the fabric tightly with threads

We tightly fix the fabric to the foam rubber with threads. A little difficult, but not difficult.

We fold

We put these two parts next to each other.

sew over the edge

And sew it over the edge. You can also use a hidden seam; in the finished product it will be completely invisible, because we will be decorating the side.

We continue to fill the product

We attach the machine parts. After filling the tip slightly, insert a safety pin into it. It will serve as a second support for the needle bar, and will bring its appearance closer to a real sewing machine. We continue to fill the product with holofiber or padding polyester, preferably very tightly. We close the wide hole with a cut out oval and sew it inward using a “needle back” stitch.

Determining the location of the body

We determine the location of the machine body on the stand and fix it with pins. Put the workpiece aside.

decorate the pincushion

We take out everything for decoration from our storerooms - satin ribbons, buttons, beads, various braids, a piece of wire, whatever you deem necessary. It is necessary to make a wheel for a car. To do this, take a pattern of a circle with a larger diameter and assemble it along the edge with a thread. Place a piece of padding polyester inside and tighten it so that it forms a wheel. Sew a button in the middle.
To form a pin on which the spool of thread is held, take a bead and thread a thin wire through the hole. Then you combine the ends of the wire, the bead remains in the center and twist it in one direction. Do the same with the second wire and bead.Thread the ends of the wire into the hole of the button, make a few more turns under it and push it through the fabric into the machine. Then sew on the button.

make a wheel for a car

Place a small spool of thread on one pin and glue on hearts for beauty. Wrap the braid around the side of the stand and glue it. It can also be sewn with a hidden seam.
A small pincushion is made similar to a wheel, but a smaller cut out circle is used. Do not pull the thread all the way to create a bottom. We glue the part onto the machine stand and decorate it with braid around it.

Pincushion in the form of a sewing machine

We place a piece of fabric under the “foot” of the machine, simulating the fabric being sewn. It can be decorated with applique, lace or machine stitching. That's it, our pincushion is ready. You can safely use it.
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