Beaded rose

All girls love flowers. Unfortunately, live flowers fade quite quickly. They are being replaced by artificial ones. But even they cannot maintain their perfect appearance for long. And it’s not customary to give artificial flowers - it’s bad form. But now there is a solution - homemade roses from beads. You can give them as a gift, keep them (in the form of a bouquet) or make a decoration with your rose at the head.

So, in order to make roses from beads you will need:
- scissors
- fishing line, wire (thin, 0.3 mm), can be colored.
- green beads (0.4 mm)
-beads of any colors (those that will be responsible for the color of the rose, I took many different ones)
-floral ribbon (optional)

to make a rose you need

Let's start with the formation of the petals, since this is the most difficult. If you succeed, then you can do the rest of the rose. Take the fishing line (wire) and, measuring approximately 0.6 m from it, cut it, then bend it in half. Thread one bead of any color onto it (the one your flower will be).

Thread one bead

Place 2 more beads on one end and thread the other end of the wire through them.

through them the other end of the wire

Pull both ends. You should get the following:

Keep dialing

Continue picking up beads using this technique, forming rows.To begin with, 1 bead, then 2, after 4 and so on until you have weaved a row of 16 beads.

Let's start with the formation of the petals

Now put 10 more beads on one end.

Let's start with the formation of the petals

After this, thread the end of the beaded side through the lowest bead - this will be one side of the border.

forming a rose petal

Tighten. You will get approximately the following result:

forming a rose petal

Do the same on the other side.

forming a rose petal

And secure the petal.

forming a rose petal

You will have a finished rose petal. You need to make 4 such parts. After this, by analogy, make 5 small petals. To do this, cast on rows of 1, 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12 and 14 rows, and make the edging with 9 beads.

ready-made beaded petals

Shape the petals.

Shape the petals

Now start forming the bud. Start with 5 small petals - this is the middle.

roll into a bud

Secure the petals together with wire. After the small parts are finished, complete the bud with the help of large ones.

roll into a bud

beaded rose

Now we need to make the leaves. They are performed using the same technique. Take a wire 30 cm long, bend it in half, put on 1 bead, then form a row of 2, 3, 4, 3, 2 and 1 beads in the same way as you did the petals. You need 6 leaves.

need to make leaves

In the same way, make larger leaves in the amount of 3-4 pieces. Make rows: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 bead.

beaded fox

Attach small leaves to the bottom of the bud.

Attach small leaves

Attach small leaves

And larger leaves go to the stem formed from wire.

wire stem

In the end you will receive a finished rose. You can wrap the resulting stem with floral tape or use colored wire. This will help hold the bud.

Beaded rose

In order for the bud to better hold its shape, you can thread a wire through it, or rather, lightly wrap it around this part of the flower. Instead of a wire stem, you can use a handle.Then, when forming a bud, twist and secure the entire “structure” to the future stem. These roses are made very quickly, especially if your hand is already full. You can make it literally in about 15 minutes, and you will have a lot of joy. No one can resist a bouquet of roses made with their own hands.
come back
  • bowtiesmilelaughingblushsmileyrelaxed relaxedsmirk
Comments (1)
  1. lenavt
    #1 lenavt Guests 28 August 2017 19:12
    Simple rose. Newbies can try it too. It’s better to make a small bouquet right away.