Cushion with embroidery

Have you ever wanted to please a loved one with a special gift? I wanted to make it very intimate and sensual present beloved? Was there a desire to put your soul, feelings and warmth into a gift? Is there a person to whom you want to say words of love for the first time? And so that he remembers it?
If you answered yes to all the questions, then we are on the same path. When setting out on the journey of creating a gift, take with you only positive emotions, bright thoughts and, of course, love. And all because we will create a small and eloquent (And, yes, red! - as Odessa residents would say) pillow for our beloved and dearest person.

What we need for embroidery:
- red floss (for my picture measuring 30*30 cm, 2.5 skeins were enough for me);
- white canvas (take the smallest canvas, the drawing will look neater);
- embroidery needle;
- embroidery pattern (I don’t offer my own pattern, since it was in a very low resolution and went through many transformations from me);
- a regular needle;
- white and black threads.
For the pillow we take:
- white cotton fabric for the “napernik”;
- silicone and/or padding polyester;
- red fabric for the back side of the pillowcase (I took crepe satin - it looks beautiful, but the threads on the raw edges are terribly spilled. I advise you to check the red fabric for its ability to fade.);
- secret red snake;
- pins;
- needles, white and red threads;
- preferably a sewing machine.
*I do not specifically indicate the size of the fabric, since the picture, canvas and pad can be absolutely any size. It is important to remember one thing: when working with cotton, add 1.5-2 cm to the seams, and with crepe-satin – 4-5 cm.

Let's get down to business!
1. First of all, you need to choose a picture that will decorate your pillow. Fortunately, there are no problems with choosing pictures on a romantic theme on the Internet. It is advisable to choose a square picture. We take a canvas for the selected picture, taking into account the seam allowance from the edge of the picture - 3-5 cm.

select a picture

2. For greater convenience during the embroidery process, I would advise sewing a grid of 10*10 crosses with black thread. You can draw the grid with a pencil or pen, but then the free space will have to be embroidered in white.

draw a grid

3. Once the picture for the front of the pillow is ready, it's time to work on the pillow itself. We sew a traditional “napernik” from white cotton fabric. In fact, this is an ordinary bag.

regular pouch

4. I used both padding polyester and silicone. We take a rectangular padding polyester.

Take padding polyester

5. We sew a bag from padding polyester to the size of a cotton bag.

cotton bag size

6. Place the padding polyester bag into the “napernik” and fill it with silicone.

We put the bag in

7. Sew up the padding polyester bag. This trick will help us make the pillow the perfect shape and will prevent the silicone from rolling into lumps in the corners of the pillow.

Sew up a padding polyester bag

8. Mark with pins the line of the future seam for the “napernik”.

Mark with pins

9.I advise you to baste the seam before finishing it.

baste a seam

10. Carefully stitch with white thread at the very edge.

baste a seam

11. Let's take care of the snake. Divide the fabric on the back of the pillowcase into two parts. And on the side that was cut, process the edges.

baste a seam

12. Baste the snake onto the fabric.

Baste the snake onto the fabric

Baste the snake onto the fabric

13. The snake should not reach the edge of the pillowcase. Sew the fabric without a snake from the wrong side.

Baste the snake onto the fabric

14. Using pins, pin the front and back sides of the pillowcases together the way you want them to look when finished. These pins will serve as a guide for how the pillow should look at the end.

the pins will serve as a guide

15. Difficulties for me began at the stage of sewing the pillowcase. First, stitch the pillowcase from the front side, moving away from the edge of the future pillowcase (from the line of pins) by 1-2 cm. That is, a little wider than the area of ​​the pillowcase. Turn it inside out and stitch along the line of the future pillowcase. And turn it onto your face again. Thus, the edge of the fabric should be on the inside. If there are small threads sticking out of the seams, carefully trim them with nail scissors.

cushion with embroidery

cushion with embroidery

The pillow is ready! Love to you and sweet dreams!

cushion with embroidery
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