Transformable toy made of colored paper

Transformer toy

To make such a toy you will need 12 sheets of colored paper. Three colors, 4 sheets each. The colors used in the sample were blue, red and yellow.

Transformer toy

The paper size should be 14x14 cm. Therefore, from one sheet of A4 colored paper you can make two squares. It is advisable to use thick paper, but not cardboard. To ensure that the folds are clearly visible, the sample module uses purple paper. The fold is emphasized with a pen. If you assemble such a module onto a product, then you don’t need to emphasize anything with a pen.

You should take a sheet of paper and bend it in half to form a triangle from the square, as shown here.

Transformer toy

We have a diagonal of a square.

Transformer toy

The same actions are performed on the other side so that the bends look like this.

Transformer toy

Next, the square is bent in half.

Transformer toy

Transformer toy

We bend the half in half again, on one side and the other.

Transformer toy

Transformer toy

Let's turn it back. Again, bend the sheet 1 cm on both sides.

Transformer toy

Transformer toy

As a result, we get the following folds on the sheet.

Transformer toy

Select the diagonal folds again.

Transformer toy

We take the transverse fold line and connect them together to form a triangle.

Transformer toy

Transformer toy

Transformer toy

Smooth it well so that the sheet does not puff up.

Transformer toy

Next, we place one finger on the line in the middle of the triangle, with the other finger we take its lower part and rise up to the sharp corner.

Transformer toy

Transformer toy

Smooth the edges of the paper that are puffy at the bottom.

Transformer toy

Transformer toy

The same action is performed on the reverse side of the triangle. It turns out to be a nice little house.

Transformer toy

Transformer toy

Further you can see that the house has a bend line at the bottom. Along this line we bend the paper outward, but not completely.

Transformer toy

The remaining side is bent into the shape of a triangle.

Transformer toy

The same actions are performed on the other side of the house. There should be a total of four. Two on one side and two on the other.

Transformer toy

We bend everything back to how it was.

Transformer toy

This is what happened.

Transformer toy

The same modules are made from the remaining 11 sheets.

Transformer toy

Once the modules are made, you can begin assembly.

Transformer toy

One of the two triangles of the module must be inserted into the “pocket” of the other.

Transformer toy

Transformer toy

Transformer toy

And so on for all 12 modules.

Transformer toy

Transformer toy

Turn the connected modules upside down.

Transformer toy

We take the connection between the two colors (the fold line is visible there) and bend it inward.

Transformer toy

Transformer toy

We carefully work out the inner bend.

Transformer toy

Transformer toy

This is done with each joined sheet on both sides.

Transformer toy

After all the corners are bent inward, we begin to work on the sides of the product. The first and last module are not touched. On the sample product, the outermost module is red and connected to blue. We leave this side. Next, the place where the blue module connects to the yellow one, we begin to work with them.

Transformer toy

We unfold them like a book, this way:

Transformer toy

The transverse fold is visible from above. We bend it.

Transformer toy

This is what the result should be:

Transformer toy

Next, we turn it over like a leaf of a book to the next module. And we do the same actions, and so on almost until the last module (we do not touch it).

Transformer toy

Transformer toy

Transformer toy

Transformer toy

All this is done from the other side.

Transformer toy

We turn our product back up.Having straightened it a little, turn it around in a semicircle. Let's connect the first and last modules to each other, as was done in the beginning.

Transformer toy

We turn it over to face us again.

Transformer toy

And we turn it inside out to get the appearance of such a flower.

Transformer toy

The edges of the last connected modules are processed in the same order as at the beginning. First, the corner inward, and then we bend the sides.

Transformer toy

Transformer toy

The entire product is ready.

Transformer toy

It can be turned in different directions, and you get such interesting shapes.

Transformer toy

Transformer toy

Transformer toy
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