Ceiling plinth frame

We will need:
- plywood or other board approximately 4-8 mm thick;
- ruler;
- pencil;
- jigsaw or saw;
- ceiling plinth;
- knife;
- yacht varnish and brush;
- gypsum putty;
- artistic acrylic paint;
- sponge for acrylic paint;
- glue;
- pushpins;
- newspapers.

Robot stages:
1. The first thing you need to do is measure what size frame you need. To do this, you need to add a few centimeters to the size of your product, photograph or painting (depending on the width of the plinth).
2. On the plywood, draw the perimeter of the future frame with a pencil.

frame outline

Using a jigsaw (saw), cut out the base for the frame. It is best to do this job outside or cover the floors with newspaper, as there will be a lot of sawdust flying around and it will be difficult to clean it from the carpet and other surfaces in the room.


3. Cut the ceiling plinth into 4 sections, which will correspond in size to the cut frame. Be careful and careful, the baseboard is made of quite fragile polystyrene foam. The cut should be made with a sharp knife on a flat surface, without pressing hard on the surface of the baseboard.

cut the baseboard

4.Place all the cuts on a plywood base and mark on the plinth how much needs to be cut so that the corners meet evenly and without large gaps.

fold the corners

5. Place the prepared sides of the future frame together and check whether they correspond to the size of the base and the picture.

size of base and painting

6. For ease of use, the plywood base should be coated with several layers of yacht varnish. This will protect your product from dust and deformation.

layers of yacht varnish

7. Cover a table or other surface with newspapers. Lay out the plinth as it will be located on the future frame.

surface with newspapers

Cover areas where the baseboard does not meet with gypsum putty. This will also help to firmly secure the baseboard together.

fasten the plinth together

8. You need to work with putty very carefully. It is important not to damage the pattern of the plinth itself and at the joints (at the corners) try to connect and continue the pattern. Leave the baseboard with putty to dry overnight. Don't worry if the putty appears a little yellowish at first; dry gypsum putty will turn pure white.

the putty becomes pure white

9. We proceed to the coloring stage. Prepare for yourself acrylic paint of the required color, a sponge (a sponge is the best choice for painting ceiling plinths with various patterns, as it does not leave streaks and simplifies painting) and a palette (instead of a palette, you can use a small lid or saucer).

Let's move on to the coloring stage

If you have a limited amount of paint and you are worried that there may not be enough of it, then acrylic paint can be diluted with regular PVA glue in a 1:1 ratio. To achieve the best effect and brightness, it is best to paint the frame in two layers. The paint will dry in no more than 2-3 hours.

paint the frame

10. Secure the picture to the base using glue or pushpins.

buttons picture

eleven.Glue the finished frame to the plywood base and leave to dry.

Ceiling plinth frame

12. Make a loop on the back wall and... Voila! The painting on the wall is ready!
come back
  • bowtiesmilelaughingblushsmileyrelaxed relaxedsmirk
4 minus one =
Comments (5)
  1. Evgenia
    #1 Evgenia Guests August 7, 2015 08:59
    Apparently the author has a complete lack of sense of color
  2. Christina
    #2 Christina Guests 10 April 2017 06:47
    what glue did you use?
  3. A
    #3 A Guests 6 January 2018 22:03
    It's a good idea, I'll take note of it. What about glass?
  4. Elena
    #4 Elena Guests 5 March 2018 19:53
    This is a disaster
  5. Alexei
    #5 Alexei Guests April 6, 2018 07:51
    I’m not a very emotional person, but I just can’t ignore this... So many troubles and unnecessary movements for the sake of a generally simple, simple frame. Plywood base coated with yacht varnish? For what??? Cover up the cute pattern on the plinth with a poisonous red color... You can, of course, say “he’s an artist, he sees it that way.” Gypsum putty is not the best option in combination with polystyrene foam. Try some acrylic glue or sealant.