Bright hyacinths made of corrugated paper

To give someone a bouquet of flowers for a holiday or celebration, you don’t have to go to the store and spend a lot of money. Hand-made flowers from corrugated paper look unusual and attractive, and the whole process takes very little time. You can, of course, take plain colored paper, but corrugated paper is more flexible and soft.

To make hyacinth you will need the following materials:
• Corrugated paper of different colors, green must be included;
• PVA glue;
• Kebab sticks, sushi sticks, long skewers or the like;
• Scissors.

colored paper

To make the flower lush and voluminous, you need to cut a strip of paper of the following size: 60 cm in length and about 7 cm in width (a little more is possible). In order to make cutting more convenient and this process takes less time, we fold the strip into several folds. Then, on one side along the length, we make frequent cuts about 1 cm wide, without reaching the other edge 1.5-2 cm.

cutting paper

Now we begin the most time-consuming and unattractive process.Each cut strip will need to be twisted with a wooden stick (it does not slip) until the end of the cut, only carefully so as not to tear. You can grab 2-3 strips at a time to speed up the progress of this painstaking work.

twist it

You should end up with such a cute, curly strip of paper.

curly cute stripe

At the next stage, we will glue this strip with curls onto a wooden stick using PVA glue, which will be applied to it gradually as the paper is wound. Here you need to do everything carefully, since the paper soaked in glue becomes soft and can tear. You need to start from the very tip of the stick and wind a strip of paper around it obliquely.

wrap a strip around it

The top curls should be directed upwards.
The turns should be made closer to each other to make the flower thicker, then it will look more beautiful and richer. The wound paper on the stick should take up a little less than half its length or exactly half.

exactly half

Now that the flower itself is ready, let's start making a green stem and two leaves. Here you will need green corrugated paper, from which you will need to cut an even strip 20-25 cm long and about 1.5 cm wide. Immediately cut out leaves of different sizes: larger and smaller. To make it easier to cut, you should fold the paper in half, then they will turn out symmetrical.

green stem and two leaves

We also wrap the green strip around the stick obliquely, holding it gently with our fingers and gradually securing it with PVA glue.

We wrap the green stripe

The leaves should be slightly bent in the middle with your fingers so that they become slightly concave and look more beautiful and realistic. The smaller sheet needs to be glued a little higher, and the larger one - a little lower.

corrugated paper hyacinths

The flower is ready and using this principle you can make hyacinths of different colors, the bouquet will turn out beautiful and unusual.

corrugated paper hyacinths
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Comments (2)
  1. Diana
    #1 Diana Guests April 9, 2015 11:27
    The flowers turned out great :-) . Thanks for the idea! :-) :-) :-)
  2. Maksim
    #2 Maksim Guests 18 February 2017 12:05
    I haven’t tried it YET, I think it will work out, it’s so cool)