Updating the cover

It often happens that you no longer like a notebook you once bought and don’t want to use it, so it lies gathering dust somewhere on a shelf and no one remembers about it. It's a shame when useful things go to waste. Today I want to tell you how to make a new and useful notebook out of a boring or disliked notebook. After such an “upgrade”, the notebook will definitely be used for its intended purpose and will become one of your favorites.

Materials you will need for work:
• A notepad or old notebook to repurpose.
• A sheet of white office paper.
• An old magazine that has been read and looked at for a long time, so that you don’t feel sorry for cutting it up.
• Scissors.
• Ruler.
• Pen or pencil.
• Paper glue.


First, we need to “cover” the old, unsightly cover of a notebook or notebook. We do this using a white sheet of paper. We cut out a rectangle or square from it, which will be the same size as the cover of our notebook or notepad.

Glue a white sheet

Glue a white sheet of paper onto the cover of the notebook. Now we need to draw the sheet so that we get identical triangles, which we will fill with magazine clippings.First, we draw the sheet with horizontal stripes that will divide it into three parts. Then we begin to mark the corners of the triangles. On the lower vertical edge we mark the width of the triangles from beginning to end. On the second vertical strip from the bottom, we start with half of the triangle and then further mark the dimensions of the width of the triangle. When all the triangles are outlined, we begin to draw. You should end up with markup that looks something like this.

draw a sheet

We mark the pictures we like from the magazine in the same way. Cut out the triangles drawn in the magazine.

pictures from a magazine

Now comes the most interesting stage of remaking the old notebook. We begin to assemble our colored mosaic. We insert the triangles randomly so that the pictures do not repeat and are assembled into a diverse, bright mosaic. We insert the halves of the triangles into the outer semi-triangles, which are outlined on the cover.

glue all the parts together

Carefully glue all the parts together. We glue all the corners well so that the cover does not come unglued during use. The result is such a bright and cheerful cover.

Updating the cover

For reliability and confidence that the triangles will not begin to peel off over time, you can carefully laminate the cover with regular cling film. In the process of such lamination, you must be very careful, since the film is very delicate and sticky, and quickly forms unsightly folds. However, it is quite possible to do this. The main thing is to apply the central part of the film and carefully level it in all directions from the middle.
In exactly the same way, you can decorate the cover with plain colored paper, creating multi-colored triangles on the surface. Experiment and don’t let things that are useful but just not to your liking go to waste.Give them a second life, let them bring you benefit and pleasure!

Updating the cover with your own hands
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