Scrapbooking cards

Master classes:

Chocolate girl in scrapbooking style

Chocolate is a universal gift; it can be presented to both a child and an adult for any occasion. But how can you make this insignificant gift memorable for a long time? I suggest making a chocolate maker in scrapbooking style your own

Postcard for mom using scrapbooking technique

How to congratulate the most dear person on the holiday - your mother? There are many options: buy an expensive gift or make a gift yourself. Let's try to make a card for mom using scrapbooking technique. To make a postcard you will need

Spring cards “Chocolate Girls”

So you and I have finally waited for spring and ahead, only the freshness of spring mood awaits us, the first favorite woodlands and snowdrops, the first buds on bushes and trees, as well as the long-awaited spring trills of birds awakening after

DIY anniversary card

An anniversary in the life of every person is not just the date of the next birthday, but it is a round number, for example, 20, 30, 40, 50 years and so on.It doesn’t matter what the date is or what the number is, but the main thing is that the person feels somehow special on this day

Spring greeting cards

The tiring long winter nights are behind us and ahead of us awaits only freshness, only new spring sensations, and most importantly, a warm, fresh and spring atmosphere, which brings with it the smell of trills, the aroma of spring grass, as well as

Postcards “Beloved Daddy”

Dad is the most important and beloved person in everyone's life. Sometimes even for many, dad is even more important or replaces mom. Therefore, whatever one may say, I always really want to please my beloved dad on any holiday, to please him even with a small gift

Coffee card-chocolate holder

There are quite a few people among us who are true connoisseurs and true gourmets of coffee. Many people cannot even imagine the morning without a cup of freshly brewed coffee. For them, the day is not considered to begin without their favorite drink. Eat

Folding birthday card

Scrapbooking is an amazing technique that allows us to create incredible masterpieces for absolutely any occasion. For example, you are going to a colleague or friend’s birthday party and decided to give money. As they say, money is money,

Folding valentines

Winter brought us not only amazing and magical New Year holidays, but also gave us such a romantic and tender holiday as Valentine's Day. We started celebrating this holiday more than 25 years ago, and now we

New Year cards made from kraft paper

Our leap year 2016 is coming to an end, and the Year of the Cockerel, 2017, is soon ahead of us. A sea of ​​emotions, positivity, gifts, New Year's miracles, a beautiful visiting Christmas tree, all this awaits us with the arrival of the New Year holidays. New Year,

Bright handmade New Year cards

Behind us are the joys and fears, good luck and bad luck, various positive and negative events of 2016, and the New Year 2017 is ahead of us very soon. According to the eastern calendar, it promises us the arrival of such an animal as the ringing and early Rooster. If

Unusually shaped cards for men

Oh, and it’s not an easy task for women when they are going to congratulate men on the holiday. And it doesn’t even matter what holiday it is, and how you have to prepare for it, the result remains the same, it’s hard to decide on a gift. After all, you always want

Envelopes-cards for birthday

There are quite a few ways to not only congratulate a person on his birthday, but also to really surprise and delight him. So that this holiday, his birthday, is not just like another tick and a year is added to his life,

Folding purple card "Happy Wedding Day"

The fashionable wedding color of 2016, probably, as many already know, has become lilac-violet. It seems both rich and very delicate at the same time. It follows that if this is a fashionable color of 2016, then, therefore, a lot

Wedding gift set: folding card and money envelope

Every wedding these days is decorated better than the other. Nowadays there is a very rich and colorful selection of wedding accessories, so making the wedding of your dreams is very simple and the activity is quite exciting and interesting. Many, of course,

Handmade lilac wedding envelopes

The most fashionable color of 2016 is considered to be lilac or lavender. It is not just beautiful, but also very gentle, it exudes warmth, summer and a good mood. Well, of course, if a color is fashionable this season, then so is every bride-to-be.

“Happy Birthday” cards in shabby style

Nowadays, the technique of modern needlework, scrapbooking, is more and more in demand, and products made using this technique are now the most common and widespread. You can make a bunch of different souvenirs and gifts and absolutely

Fold out wedding card

Spring has arrived and certainly brought with it quite a lot of holidays, including the arrival of spring and the opening of the wedding season. Everything blooms and smells around, everything flies and flutters, a sea of ​​bright and positive emotions, in a word -

Postcard box in shabby chic style

In the modern world of arts and crafts, scrapbooking is a very popular and widespread technique for working and making various paper products. A very interesting and creative technique due to its diversity and very

Chocolate girl for birthday

Giving gifts to friends, relatives, and colleagues is always a pleasure, and therefore a piece of your soul and your love should be put into each gift to make it especially pleasant. For example, you were invited to a birthday party and you are at a crossroads

Pop-up box-card “Happy Birthday”

A beautiful postcard can be made not only with the help of luxurious and rich decor, but it can also be made unusually beautiful thanks to its interesting shape. One of the interesting styles and varieties of complex postcards are the so-called

Coffee cards

A lot of people love coffee. Therefore, various little things that contain the smell of coffee, grain, pictures are very useful for him, since they always emanate this pleasant and favorite aroma. So coffee can also be used in objects and

Complex cards for March 8

Spring is ahead, which brings with it a wonderful and joyful holiday for all women and girls, March 8th. Spring is a time of blooming and very beautiful, therefore the impressions of this holiday fully correspond to the time of year itself, spring. Need to

Postcards in the shape of a figure eight for the holiday “March 8”

Very soon ahead, with the arrival of such a wonderful and blossoming spring of the year, one of the most favorite holidays of the year is coming to us, International Women's Day on March 8th. All girls, women, grandmothers and little princesses are given gifts