IR port from COM mouse

One day it was necessary to check a prehistoric (Russian) remote control. There were no funds. After scouring the internet, I found a few ideas. I was amazed by the idea of ​​​​making a simple IR port from a mouse! Computer, of course. We will start with this device.

Microscope without lenses.

Over its almost 300-year history of development, the microscope has probably become one of the most popular optical instruments, widely used in all areas of human activity. It is especially difficult to overestimate its role in teaching schoolchildren who learn

A selection of simple and effective schemes.

The first circuit is the simplest multivibrator. Despite its simplicity, its scope is very wide. No electronic device is complete without it. . .

Lie detector.

Investigative practice shows that lies and denial of guilt by criminals during interrogation are associated with various physiological phenomena. First of all, this is an increase in blood pressure, a change in skin moisture, as well as uncontrolled swallowing of saliva,

Ultrasonic washing machine

An ultrasonic washing machine is designed for washing clothes using sound vibrations created in the detergent solution, the frequency of which is close to ultrasonic. The peculiarity of USM is that there is no mechanical friction during washing.

Air-hydraulic rocket

The air-hydraulic model is one of the simplest types in rocket modeling. It is characterized by simplicity of design and operation. This model makes it possible to conduct many different experiments and, most importantly, get acquainted with the action

The smoke generator

Today it is difficult to imagine a modern disco without various lighting effects - laser light music, stroboscopes, color music scanners, and it is also difficult to imagine these same lighting effects without the use of smoke generators. . .

How to use a refrigerator compressor as an airbrush

Most people have an old refrigerator in their garage or shed. Why do they store it? unknown! If you are one of those people, then I suggest using this “hardware” for business. . .