Imitation of granite masonry

Plainly painted walls are, you see, a bit boring. Painting in several colors looks much more interesting. We present to your attention a master class on painting surfaces simulating three-dimensional granite masonry. And there is no need to be

Christmas star

At Christmas, it is customary to decorate the house with all kinds of stars, which are symbols of the Star of Bethlehem. We invite you to make such an unusual Christmas star. It’s easy and simple to make, but it looks very beautiful and

Postcard “Ginger cat”

You will need a few blanks and tools to complete this craft: colored cardboard; scissors, ruler; PVA glue; felt-tip pen, simple pencil; two orange paper napkins, a bamboo skewer and a decorative flower.

Frame for rubber bands

It's no secret that the harmonious development of a child requires a variety of external stimuli. In other words, a child’s intelligence should be developed without relying on nature. This is used by numerous manufacturers of children's toys,

Yarn spider

The Spider toy is made from yarn very quickly and does not require complex materials. For this craft you will need: yarn, scissors, glue stick, markers, white paper, a small piece of cardboard, wire. First you need to make the body of the spider: for this

creative cup holder

It often happens that when we are at the computer, we often eat, putting the glass directly on the table, leaving “circles” on it from the hot glass, this is corrected by placing various objects under the glass, but all this was very inconvenient and I wanted a little

Starfish made from pine cones

Autumn is the time when children enjoy collecting colorful leaves, fancy twigs and fragrant pine cones. How to use this natural material to benefit a child’s development? A simple and effective craft made from pine cones is one of the

How to sew a soft toy dog

In order to sew a soft toy with our own hands, we will need two types of cotton fabric, cotton wool for stuffing, threads to match the color of the fabric, a needle, black threads to make the nose and claws, ribbon for decoration, special

New Year's decanter

In order to create such an original decanter for the New Year, you need to be patient and have the necessary materials. You can use any container at your discretion. Any pretty bottle will do. In this master class we used ordinary

Children's craft "Aquarium in a box"

Children's crafts are of great importance for the development of a child of any age. They develop not only fine motor skills, but also imagination, the ability to express themselves and understanding of the world around them.And today we will show you how to use plasticine and matches

Crochet snowflakes

A knitted snowflake will take its rightful place in the New Year's interior of any apartment. It can be hung under a chandelier or on a window, or used as a Christmas tree decoration. Any needlewoman can knit a snowflake. Even if you first took the hook in

Round box made of newspaper tubes

Nowadays, weaving from newspaper tubes is becoming increasingly popular. This activity is not difficult enough, and it is also very exciting and interesting. The costs of purchasing source material are almost minimal, since everything that

Flower made of nylon fabric

If you have the necessary materials, anyone can master the art of making flowers from nylon fabric. The ability to make such flowers will come in very handy if you want to decorate your interior, decorate a gift beautifully, or complement a banal

Vintage style box

The vintage style is becoming increasingly popular today, and antique items with the stamp of time are increasingly becoming interior decoration. However, not everyone has the opportunity to get truly vintage items. An excellent solution would be to do it yourself

Postcard with quilling elements

It is customary to give postcards to your closest friends and relatives, as well as to work colleagues. It’s especially nice to give a card made by yourself. A cute card with a cat and a bouquet of flowers will be an appropriate gift for almost anyone

Postcard with a three-dimensional cat

A postcard is a wonderful gift for a birthday. You can make it yourself, and it will turn out original and bright. You need to start by preparing all the necessary items...

Art Deco mirror

You can decorate your interior in the now fashionable and non-trivial art deco style with your own hands, without resorting to purchasing expensive designer decorative items. A mirror will exclusively highlight this luxurious style.

Magnet using decoupage technique

When beauty arises in a person, he tries to share it with the whole world, and this can be explained very simply - an invariable attraction to the world of creativity. One of the techniques that helps bring ideas to life is decoupage - the art of decoration.

Stroller for testing

If you are faced with the problem of choosing a gift for a holiday dedicated to the birth of a newborn baby, then do not despair, there is always a solution, and in this case it is very interesting and original! Of course, it is best to give preference to a gift in

Interior tilde doll

Tilde dolls have many different variations. However, the distinctive feature of these dolls is their elegance and coziness, despite some primitiveness of execution. Cute Tilda will not only be a pleasant gift for a child, but will also be

Original invitation to a bachelorette party

A bachelorette party is an important event in the life of a future bride. Therefore, you need to prepare for it thoroughly, thinking through every detail, right down to invitations.Original invitations in the form of such a piece of women's clothing as a corset can surprise girlfriends and

Plate with three-dimensional image

Antique styling: decorative plate with a three-dimensional image. I really like antique things. There is a certain mysterious charm of time in them: they once decorated the interior of the estate, witnessed the fate of its inhabitants, and then

Snowman made of threads

New Year is a long-awaited celebration for children and also for adults. And what would this day be without a snowman? Of course not! We recommend making this craft with your children; this unique activity is easy to make. Snowman will decorate New Year's

Floating cup - money waterfall

A floating cup is a symbol of attracting money. The inexhaustible flow of coins visually resembles a waterfall, and the miraculously hanging container over the saucer adds mysticism to this product. Maybe this souvenir can attract money into the house? Or maybe it's