Christmas tree decor

In this master class we will decorate the ball using decoupage and craquelure techniques (aging effect). So, we will need a very ordinary ball, maybe an old one that was lying around in your Christmas tree decorations.

felted toy

Felted cats and bear cubs, original felt beads and earrings - all this and much more can be created with your own hands if you master the simple felting technology. Felting wool does not require either complex tools or large working hours.

Tesla coil on one transistor or Brovin kacher

I present to your attention a very small Tesla coil on one transistor or Brovin Kacher. In a Tesla coil, a very high high-frequency alternating voltage is supplied to the primary winding, and in a kacher, the primary winding is fed by a collector

Thread and button

A very funny and very simple toy can be made from a thread and a button. Nothing to do, but so many positive emotions. . .

Glowing disk

Just a cool toy, and can be used at discos, the design is very simple, we will need: 1 Power supply (phone charger) 2 Cassette drive pulley from a Sonata series tape recorder 3 The motor from the disk drive fits perfectly into

DIY plasma ball

Our plasma ball will be an ordinary incandescent lamp, but the high-voltage high-frequency source is quite simple. In addition, from our source you can build not only a plasma ball, but also demonstrate beautiful experiments with

Windmill from a cooler

The cooler windmill is more of a toy than a real one. It produces 1.5 - 2 volts in a breeze of 4 km/h and at a current of 20 mA, which is quite enough to charge one battery. But you can do more than one, so there is still a prospect. . .

A real computer mouse

A real mouse is a very cool and unusual device. The mouse, of course, is not real - it is a toy for a cat, bought at a pet store. . .

Home and outdoor video surveillance system using a webcam.

Sitting at the computer in full creative process or playing a game, I was often distracted by my faithful dog with his barking, I had to tear my butt off my favorite chair, go out into the yard and see who was there. . .

Toy - Somersault.

A tumbler is an interesting toy that everyone will be happy to play with, and it’s not difficult to make. . .