Crafts. Page 36

Master classes:

Homemade muffler for brush cutters

Everyone is familiar with this terrible sound of a trimmer working; it irritates not only the mower himself, but also everyone around him. It’s worth working with a lawn mower even for a short time and this ringing just stays in your ears. This deficiency resulted from

A simple greenhouse made of PVC pipes with your own hands

Previously, frame greenhouses in the country or near the house were made of wooden beams or rolled metal (corners, round or profile pipes) and glazed frames. The design turned out to be bulky, heavy and expensive, and for its construction

Friction welding

Most modern welding processes rely on external heat input, such as an arc discharge. But heat can be generated directly in the welding zone due to friction between the parts being connected. Thermal energy can be

DIY solar distiller

This simplest solar distiller for producing distilled water runs purely on solar energy and nothing else.It is not difficult to assemble and anyone can do it. Of course, its performance is not high, but it is 100% free. And for the solution

How to make a solar lamp from a bottle

In an old garage, workshop, utility shed or utility room, there is always a nook that lacks light even on the brightest sunny day. It is impractical to pull electrical wiring there to connect a light bulb, as

DIY mini sheet bender

When performing carpentry and other work, mounting brackets may be required. Sometimes you really need a lot of them, which costs a pretty penny. It is much cheaper to make them yourself using a miniature sheet bender. As a material for making

Half-tree cross connection

The connection of timber or boards cross-on-cross - half-wood is one of the most effective and common in the carpentry environment. Wherever it is used: in roofing work, in the production of furniture and decorative objects from solid wood, etc. Let's consider

How to make a hex hole in metal

It is possible that the need for hexagonal holes may arise when making homemade devices or repairing faulty equipment. For this purpose, there is, for example, a series of expensive tools. To avoid spending money, you can

How to Make a Three-Piece Corner Joint

For work, you can take pipes of any cross-section: round, square, but we will focus on rectangular products.The main principle will be the same everywhere: for precise joining of the connection elements, their ends are cut at 45 degrees each time.

Making springs with your own hands

Steel springs can be of different configurations and it is not always possible to purchase the desired type - the product is quite rare on the market. For this reason, I make them myself for my needs.

Conductor for connection “on an oblique screw”

To join wooden blanks, various carpentry joints and fastenings are used, including dowels, dowels and self-tapping screws. There are a lot of varieties of them today, and connecting two boards is not a problem. However, the difficulty lies in flat parts,

How to make a loop on a cable

A coil of steel tow rope is often found in the trunk of a car. Hooks are usually placed at its ends. Under load when towing, they can break, after which their heavy fragments, accelerated by a spring-loaded cable, fly into the car,

The simplest lathe from a drill

Good day everyone! I decided to somehow make wooden handles for my tools - files, chisels, chisels. I began to figure out how to make them. Planing is simply too tedious, and it turns out ugly. If only there was a lathe

How to repair a broken gear tooth

In mechanisms of previous years of production (machine tools, gearboxes, drives), gears and gears were often made of gray cast iron, which, at low and medium loads, were not inferior to their steel counterparts, and the iron casting process was simpler and cheaper

Homemade threading machine

Among detachable connections, threaded connections are especially common. They allow, if necessary, to disassemble the assembly into parts without damage, and then reassemble them again. For this reason, they are designed and produced in large quantities.

A device for a screwdriver from the gearbox of a broken angle grinder

Every tool has its time. But this does not mean that it should be thrown into a landfill, because some of its parts can still be used. For example, as in today’s case with a broken angle grinder (angle grinder). Let's try to make it interesting

Rail lining rivet block

Hammer rivets are an alternative to welding or threaded connections. To keep them securely, you need to choose them correctly. Standard rivets are not always suitable, so sometimes it is preferable to make them yourself.

Hanging loop made from scrap materials

I urgently needed a hinge for an iron door made of a square pipe to a utility room. I couldn’t find it in the workshop, and I didn’t want to go to the market at all, and then I figured out how to easily and quickly get out of the situation. In addition, the time spent on replacement

How to eliminate woodworking defects

Wood is not hard enough compared to metals. Therefore, when processing it, small errors are possible that spoil the overall impression of the product. The ability to eliminate defects that have arisen is a sign of a qualified joiner or carpenter. But for

Wood cutter for through and blind holes made of bolts

Imagine that you are faced with a specific task: to make a blind hole in a tree for a bearing. To press it in, you need a certain diameter of the cutter; it is not a fact that a tool of this size will be in the store. Therefore, it is easier and cheaper to do

How to make a manual uprooter for bushes and small trees

Usually, unnecessary or excess plantings are removed manually, using common means (shovel, hoe, ketmen, etc.), with a lot of physical effort and time. At the same time, you can make a homemade uprooter to remove small

How to make a simple handle for a broken knife

I have a folding knife with a ceramic blade. He helped me out more than once on trips to the country and on picnics. Impeccable blade sharpness that does not require sharpening, hygiene and lightness. In general, I became attached to him. After all, it happens that with some

Thread restoration tool

Hi all! I am retired and love to tinker in my home workshop. I assemble various devices with my own hands, implement life hacks, and sometimes experiment. Like any home craftsman, I never throw away used hardware -

How to make a square hole

How to make a square hole in any workpiece? Anyone can drill a round hole, but sometimes you need to make a square hole. I needed to make a large square hole in a round piece to