Computer homemade products. Page 7

Master classes:

Control devices from a PC desktop or via the Internet

Any device, be it a lamp or a lamp, can be controlled remotely or from a computer desktop. We will need a bunch of radio components and software, which is in the article. . .

Simple multimedia projector

The time of the USSR is a thing of the past and left behind various trinkets that are no longer needed by anyone. For example, you probably have a slide projector or filmoscope in your closet. Nobody needs him anymore, and it’s a shame to throw him away... Let’s give him a second one

Computer filter

I don’t know about you, but I’m already tired of cleaning my computer. The fact is that my PC is in the bedroom, and the dust from the sheets and pillows is simply unbearable. I'm tired of disassembling my computer every month and sucking out mountains of dust. I decided to upgrade my PC and put it in

Connecting the Dendy joystick to the computer

In the article I will not only tell you how to connect a Dandy joystick to a computer, but also offer you to download games for Dendy, Nintendo, and Sega consoles. So even if you are not going to connect a joystick, you can just download games and play on a regular

IR port from COM mouse

One day it was necessary to check a prehistoric (Russian) remote control. There were no funds. After scouring the internet, I found a few ideas. I was amazed by the idea of ​​​​making a simple IR port from a mouse! Computer, of course. We will start with this device.

From a webcam... detector? ... PVN?

In the article I will tell you about two designs from a regular web camera: the first is a counterfeit banknote detector, the second is an infrared camera that sees in 100% darkness.

Lpt color music

Lpt color music is the simplest design of LEDs and resistors connected in series. Manufacturing does not require any knowledge in the field of electronics. Therefore, anyone can make it.

Animated engraving

A lot of new things have been discovered in modding over the years. The technology has become more advanced, and modders have gained a lot of experience. But as then, today most often a single sheet of acrylic is used for engraving. But you can work with several. It may


The task arose to assemble an anemometer for one project so that data could be taken on a computer via a USB interface. The article will focus more on the anemometer itself than on the system for processing data from it. . .

Home and outdoor video surveillance system using a webcam.

Sitting at the computer in full creative process or playing a game, I was often distracted by my faithful dog with his barking, I had to tear my butt off my favorite chair, go out into the yard and see who was there. . .

Name of the track being played on the case

Surely you have repeatedly seen all kinds of LCD panels on the front of the system unit, or maybe you have already managed to get hold of your own. But real modders prefer a slightly more complex and interesting process - creating an LCD screen with their own hands.

About contactless power supply of LEDs on cooler blades

One day I read an article about contactless power supply of LEDs on cooler blades and decided to make myself the same miracle of nature. In addition, the cooler turns out to be not just glowing, but with an advanced strobe effect. I recommend.

3D glasses

There are films, pictures and even games on the Internet that can be viewed using 3D glasses. But where can I get 3D glasses? Here you can not only build your 3D glasses, but also test them.

Microscope without lenses.

Over its almost 300-year history of development, the microscope has probably become one of the most popular optical instruments, widely used in all areas of human activity. It is especially difficult to overestimate its role in teaching schoolchildren who learn

Making a cooler for a hard drive.

A hard drive with a spindle speed of 5400 rpm should not. use an electric heating pad. At the same time, thanks to proper ventilation, the temperature in the case did not exceed 39-40 degrees. The question arose about additional cooling of the hard drive.

Water cooling system.

Another interesting variation on the theme of water cooling. This time in an external version with a large radiator, glowing fans and a blue water tank. You can do all this with your own hands, spending less than a thousand rubles.

Antenna - Bi-Quad W-LAN Wi-Fi 2.4 GHz

Instructions for making Bi-Quad W-LAN - 2.4 Ghz antennas. A piece of foil PCB, getinax or just tin is suitable for the reflector. The dimensions of the reflector are not very critical and, if necessary, can be slightly reduced. As

Making your HDD silent.

HDD creates quite a lot of noise due to vibration and its transmission to the system unit case. This can be fixed and your PC will run quieter. . .

Antenna for 3G modem.

3G USB modem antenna: to increase the signal level and, as a result, connection stability and speed, you can use a simple, cost-free method.

Microphone for Skype.

When communicating via Skype or other IP telephony, three main input/output devices are required: speaker systems or speakers, a webcam, and a microphone. Almost every PC user has speakers; you can do without a webcam, but here’s where

DIY USB refrigerator

This small refrigerator will be a great help in the summer heat. He will be with you anywhere - at home and at work. . . .

Phone for Skype from a broken mobile phone

Nowadays, everyone probably has a broken cell phone lying around at home. What to do with it - it’s a shame to throw it away, taking it to the radio market is like throwing it away, at best they’ll give you 10 dollars for it, let’s give it a second life and make it a phone for

IR receiver for computer.

WinLIRC allows you to control Windows applications using almost any remote control for a VCR or TV.To get the dubious pleasure of using the remote control, you will have to assemble a small circuit.

Making a microscope from a webcam

Making a super simple microscope from a webcam with a magnification of 1000!