Fascinating chemistry. Page 5

Master classes:

Making a mini moonshine still

The abundance of alcoholic beverages on the shelves of our stores, however, does not affect the reduction in the cost of these products. And a simple esthete cannot afford store-bought products. A simple design of a mini-plant for the production of homemade goods is proposed.

Device for obtaining “dead” and “living” water

Remember how in the old Russian fairy tale: in order to revive the hero you need to sprinkle him with “dead” water, and then give him “alive” water. Today, “living” and “dead” water is not fiction or science fiction. Of course, it is literally impossible to revive

Homemade alcohol burner

A homemade alcohol burner can come in handy, say, while fishing, hiking, or in the forest. You can use it to heat food or boil water. It can also be used in other various experiments and experiments. Filled with alcohol it does not give

Jewelry gas welding machine using ordinary water

Jewelry gas welding machine using ordinary water. Hydrogen, when mixed with air, forms an explosive mixture - the so-called detonating gas. The combustion temperature of hydrogen is 2800 degrees. Celsius.It is on these facts that this gas welding is based. basis

Homemade chewing gum for hands – HandGum

Our homemade handgam has almost all the same properties as the one for sale (it flows, breaks, stretches, jumps)

Unusual uses of aspirin

I am sure that most people use aspirin in limited cases. Such as headaches, fever, colds, etc. I dare to assure you that the use of aspirin is not limited to this.

Homemade alcohol lamp

An alcohol lamp is practically an irreplaceable thing for any beginning chemist. However, getting or buying it is not so easy. But there is always a simple way out of hopelessness. An alcohol lamp is not such a complicated thing that you couldn’t make it yourself. Alcohol

Ferromagnetic fluid

Ferromagnetic fluid is a fluid that is highly polarized in the presence of a magnetic field. In other words, when an ordinary magnet approaches this liquid, it begins to perform certain movements: it jumps up like a hedgehog, sticks to the magnet, rises

Removing flammable gas from water

The model is entirely based on Hillary Eldredge's patent, US 603,058 "Electrical Retort" introduced April 26, 1898. The combustible gas is produced by an electric arc produced by graphite rods immersed in distilled, potable, salt or

Making phosphor at home

A phosphor is a substance capable of converting the energy it absorbs into light radiation. The color of the glow can be different and depends on the light filter applied to the surface of the phosphor or its impurity. Photo phosphor is a powder that

Magnetic stirrer

A magnetic stirrer is necessary in every laboratory for mixing liquids of different viscosities. Now you can assemble a magnetic stirrer for your mini laboratory.

Lava lamp

Lava lamps appeared in England in 1963. The invention belonged to the scientist Edward Cravan. The lava lamp was a tall glass vessel with a colored liquid in which glass balls floated.

We grow copper crystals.

No, we didn't make a mistake. Not copper sulfate—you’ve probably received these crystals more than once—but real metallic copper.

Fighting flies (Velcro and all that)

There are many different types of flies in nature. However, the most common is the housefly. In rotting waste, in rotten vegetables, in garbage, the fly lays up to 100 eggs at a time, from which larvae emerge after a few hours. Through

Making hydrochloric acid at home

Although the sale of hydrochloric acid is limited and can be difficult to buy at retail, anyone can easily make it from polyvinyl chloride, one of the most common plastics. PVC is used to make wire sheaths, toys, and many household items.

glowing flower

Here you will get acquainted with chemical light sources. Some chemical reactions produce light. . .

Vinegar battery

For this chemical energy source you will need: Copper - a coin Better than a regular wire Zinc - a stud

Ink Removal Recipes

Here is a recipe that allows you to remove seals, stamps and other notes from writing paper.

Making invisible ink

Making invisible ink from lemon. Entertaining experience. To conduct the experiment you will need: half a lemon, cotton wool, a match, a cup of water, a sheet of paper.

Big soap bubbles

Recipe for making liquid for soap bubbles. Large, strong, tenacious bubbles!

The smoke generator

Today it is difficult to imagine a modern disco without various lighting effects - laser light music, stroboscopes, color music scanners, and it is also difficult to imagine these same lighting effects without the use of smoke generators. . .

Glowing bottle

Quite a sensational experiment on the Internet with a glowing bottle of Mountain Dew. . .

Get some ice? Instantly?

How to get ice instantly? Interesting? Watch the video, read the recipe, and make it (everyone has all the ingredients at home)! This is really a very interesting thing! (The liquid freezes before your eyes in a matter of seconds!) Surprise your friends and acquaintances! This is very

Non-Newtonian fluid

Cool experience You can buy corn flour in the store.