5 carpentry life hacks to note for the master

Some hacks are not only original, but quite useful and make life much easier for the amateur craftsman. Let's look at some of them.

How to make it easier to remove nails from wood

Nails driven into solid wood, due to shrinkage of the wood or oxidation of the metal, are quite difficult to remove with the usual tools - a nail puller, pliers, pliers, a hammer with a forked nose, etc. Even if they can be removed, they significantly warp the surface .
You can make it easier to remove nails from wood by pre-heating it with a flame, for example, a gas burner.
5 carpentry life hacks to note for the master

Metal is a good conductor of heat, and when the protruding part of the nail is heated, the heat quickly reaches the part that is located in the wood.
5 carpentry life hacks to note for the master

5 carpentry life hacks to note for the master

As a result, the wood around the nail burns and removing the nail using conventional tools becomes much easier.

How to repair a hole in a tree

Sometimes it becomes necessary to seal a hole in a wooden piece after a nail or screw has been removed from it. This is especially true in relation to the front (facade) side.
5 carpentry life hacks to note for the master

To do this, first moisten the area around the hole with water, place a damp cloth on top and iron it several times with a hot iron, alternating with drying the surface with the same iron, but without the cloth.
5 carpentry life hacks to note for the master

After this, we pour a special filler for holes into the hole and around it (palliative - toothpaste or soap), which we rub with a metal disk with a shell, ironing the place with an iron.
5 carpentry life hacks to note for the master

We repeat the operation until the hole is completely covered with filler and visually becomes invisible.
5 carpentry life hacks to note for the master

Removing nails with a fixed nail puller

Typically this tool is used as a lever to pull out the fastener. In some cases, it is better to fix it motionless in a vice, insert the nail head into a longitudinal slot and use a board with nails as a lever.
5 carpentry life hacks to note for the master

If the board is longer than the nail puller, then pulling out the nails is much easier.
5 carpentry life hacks to note for the master

Magnetic nail catcher for the suction hose of a vacuum cleaner

We clamp a ring of dielectric material in a carpenter's vice and, using suitable glue, glue 5 round identical magnets evenly in a circle.
5 carpentry life hacks to note for the master

After the glue has hardened, we wrap the magnets with insulating tape in several layers.
5 carpentry life hacks to note for the master

Now we put the magnetic catcher on the end of the suction hose and turn on the vacuum cleaner, which will draw in sawdust and other woodworking residues, and nails and other metal elements will stick to the magnetic catcher.
5 carpentry life hacks to note for the master

5 carpentry life hacks to note for the master

Magnetic oil for container stability

5 carpentry life hacks to note for the master

If you throw a small neodymium magnet into a container with oil to lubricate the unit, it can be placed stably not only on a horizontal, but inclined and even vertical surface.
5 carpentry life hacks to note for the master

5 carpentry life hacks to note for the master

As a result, it is easier to use oil to lubricate equipment.
5 carpentry life hacks to note for the master

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Comments (1)
  1. Alexey Tsykanov
    #1 Alexey Tsykanov Guests 30 July 2019 18:30
    this is stupidity, I'm shocked