Original cookies for coffee lovers

With a coffee aroma, chocolate taste, soft inside and with a thin, rough crust, simulating coffee beans and having a small size of 2 bites - this is what it is, cookies for coffee lovers!
Original cookies for coffee lovers

The cookies are easy to prepare. Although you will have to chill the dough for at least 3 hours, otherwise everything is done quickly, including baking - 10 minutes.


  • a) cocoa - 25 g,
  • b) baking powder - 0.5 teaspoons,
  • c) butter - 60 g,
  • d) salt - a pinch,
  • e) flour - 220 g,
  • e) powdered sugar - 120 g,
  • g) eggs - either 3 yolks, or 1 whole,
  • h) sour cream - 35 g,
  • i) instant coffee - 10 g.

Original cookies for coffee lovers

All foods must be warmed up and at room temperature before cooking.

Preparing cookies:

1. Beat soft salted butter with powder.
Original cookies for coffee lovers

2. Add one yolk at a time, beating the mixture after each time.
Original cookies for coffee lovers

3. The yolk-butter mixture should become homogeneous.
Original cookies for coffee lovers

4. Add sour cream and coffee, the granules of which are best ground first or then whisked longer with the rest of the ingredients.
Original cookies for coffee lovers

5. Sift all dry ingredients into the total mass.
Original cookies for coffee lovers

6. Stir the mixture with a spatula. The dough turns out sticky and needs to be cooled, covered with film.It is better to do this at night, but 3 hours will be enough.
Original cookies for coffee lovers

7. Pinch off the desired piece size from the chilled dough and roll into an oblong bean. It should be noted that the smaller the coffee cookies, the more interesting they look, but you will have to spend more time on such a minuscule amount. The optimal size of rolled beans is 2.5-3 cm.
Original cookies for coffee lovers

8. Use the back of the knife to make a deep hollow.
Original cookies for coffee lovers

9. Place coffee beans on a baking sheet. It is important not to dry them out - 10 minutes is enough. when heating the oven 190 degrees.
Original cookies for coffee lovers

While still hot, cookies for coffee lovers have a soft structure, but after cooling, a thin crust forms, protecting the center from drying out.
Original cookies for coffee lovers

What to serve these cookies with? The answer suggests itself - with a cup of coffee, of course!
Original cookies for coffee lovers

Original cookies for coffee lovers

Original cookies for coffee lovers
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