Mechanical converter

Modern man is accustomed to using electrical energy everywhere. It's hard for us to imagine the absence of electricity, on which most of our meaningful lives are based. But have you ever wondered where it comes from? What moves invisible particles, making them work for the benefit of humans?
The ancient Greeks already guessed about the presence of an invisible force that sets certain objects in motion. However, the real dawn of this topic occurred only during the period of industrialization of the 19th century. It was then that the famous scientist Michael Faraday discovered the phenomenon of electromagnetic induction, which explains the occurrence of electric current in a magnetic field when a conductor moves in it. Today we invite you to test this theory experimentally.
The essence of the experiment is the manufacture of an electromechanical converter based on a DC motor, which will rotate magnets located in the frame of the inductor. As a result of the excitation of magnetic fields and the appearance of electromagnetic emf at the output, we obtain an electric current.The experience is also interesting because the voltage values ​​obtained will be greater than those spent on operating the engine. But first things first.
Mechanical electrical energy converter

Materials – Tools

  • 3V DC motor;
  • Neodymium square magnets 10x8 mm;
  • Steel rod with a cross section of 2-3 mm;
  • Copper wire in varnished insulation;
  • Pieces of plastic;
  • 3.7 V battery;
  • Copper wiring, heat shrink;
  • Super glue.

The tools we need for work are: a soldering iron with solder, a lighter, a knife, and pliers with pliers. A tester will be needed for those who want to measure the output voltage on the converter.
Mechanical electrical energy converter

Mechanical electrical energy converter

Mechanical electrical energy converter

Mechanical electrical energy converter

Assembling an electromechanical voltage converter

We make two small stator frames from a steel rod. Use pliers to bend the outline and cut off the excess. The ends of the coils should also be bent (photo).
Mechanical electrical energy converter

Mechanical electrical energy converter

Mechanical electrical energy converter

Mechanical electrical energy converter

Mechanical electrical energy converter

We connect the frames with superglue and put heat shrink on the middle. We warm it up with a lighter, and thus get an insulated coil core.
Mechanical electrical energy converter

Mechanical electrical energy converter

Mechanical electrical energy converter

For winding we use thin copper wire in varnished insulation. It must be wound around the insulator area. Number of turns – 600.
Upon completion of the winding, we leave two ends of the coil - the initial and final ones. We remove the insulation by burning it with a regular lighter. This will be the stator.
Mechanical electrical energy converter

Mechanical electrical energy converter

On the motor shaft we attach a pair of guides made of pieces of plastic for neodymium magnets using superglue. We place them on opposite sides of the shaft to increase the area of ​​contact with the magnets.
Mechanical electrical energy converter

Mechanical electrical energy converter

We attach neodymium magnets to the shaft using superglue. Please note that they can only connect if they are of different polarities. This will be the rotor of our converter.
Mechanical electrical energy converter

Mechanical electrical energy converter

We cut two strips of thin plastic to the size of the engine and frame. They can be slightly bent by heating the middle with a lighter.
Mechanical electrical energy converter

Mechanical electrical energy converter

Glue the strips to the engine body. Next, we fix the stator frame so that its open ends, without touching the magnets, are placed in the center of the rotor.
Mechanical electrical energy converter

Mechanical electrical energy converter

Mechanical electrical energy converter

Our simplest microconverter is ready. All that remains is to connect the motor, soldering its ends with contacts, and supplement the entire circuit with a power supply. A regular 3.7 V lithium battery from a laptop is suitable as a power supply.
Mechanical electrical energy converter

Mechanical electrical energy converter

Measurements with a tester show an output voltage that is an order of magnitude higher than the input voltage, which means this circuit is quite working.


In fairness, it is worth noting that electromechanical converters became a thing of the past with the advent of electronic microcircuits and transistors. Today you can purchase ready-made voltage boosting modules that allow you to get high performance of about 50 V from a conventional 3.2 -3.7 V battery. They are silent, compact and rational, because with their help you can power 12 and 24 V devices such as , like coolers and stepper motors with just one battery!

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Comments (5)
  1. ralexsandr
    #1 ralexsandr Guests 18 April 2018 14:47
    when I was 9 years old I was doing this, in those years it was interesting and educational to me, but now I’m 52 and to me it seems like an antiquity that is not of the slightest interest
  2. Tikhon
    #2 Tikhon Guests 18 April 2018 20:31
    Is the current also much greater than that of an electrical element? Hardly! Same thing.
  3. Burger
    #3 Burger Guests 20 April 2018 20:36
    Well, they invented a perpetual motion machine - heh heh. EG makes itself felt.
  4. Guest Igor
    #4 Guest Igor Guests 25 September 2018 17:30
    The author doesn't even know what order is in mathematics. If the voltage was 3 volts, then having increased by an order of magnitude, it will be equal to 30 volts, but not 9 volts. This is not an order of magnitude, but three times more than it was.
  5. Dmitry from Sereda
    #5 Dmitry from Sereda Guests 11 October 2019 21:59
    An ordinary umformer, and a rather clumsy one at that. The efficiency most likely does not exceed 30%, although industrial ones reach 80%. America was also a discovery for me.