DIY powerful strobe light

A very powerful LED strobe light that will perfectly complement any disco dance floor. A strobe light was built on three LED matrices with a total power of 150 W.
DIY powerful strobe light

The principle of operation of the device is to give very short pulses of light (flashes) after a specified period of time. The action is very much like lightning during rain, when a completely dark room is illuminated by bright light for milliseconds.
During a disco it looks especially fascinating.

LEDs for mains voltage with built-in driver:
DIY powerful strobe light

Strobe circuit

DIY powerful strobe light

I would not say that the scheme is complex, rather simple. But it does not have galvanic voltage isolation, which means you cannot touch any element of the circuit during its operation and be especially careful during assembly.
Visually, the circuit can be divided into a 12 V power supply, a pulse generator, a rectifier and a ruler LEDs.

Strobe operation

A short pulse generator is assembled on the NE555 chip. The time between pulses can be changed by rotating the knob of the variable resistor R3.
A field-effect transistor switch is connected to the output of this generator, which switches the voltage of 220 V in the power circuit of LED matrices connected in parallel to each other.
LED matrices are powered by direct current, which is rectified by a diode bridge. This is necessary so that you can switch the circuit with a field-effect transistor, which only works with constant voltage.
DIY powerful strobe light

Strobe assembly

The stroboscope is assembled in a cable duct casing. LEDs screwed to the wide side, without radiators. Because Light-emitting diode is used somewhere around 2-5% of its power (pulse operation), then there is no need for heat sinks.
DIY powerful strobe light

The side walls are cut from the same cable channel and glued with glue. A variable resistor is located on top to adjust the flicker frequency.
DIY powerful strobe light

DIY powerful strobe light

Circuit blocks in the housing:
DIY powerful strobe light

DIY powerful strobe light

DIY powerful strobe light

DIY powerful strobe light


LEDs are very powerful and can damage your eyes, so it is not recommended to look at them while working. Strobe flashes are especially dangerous because the eye relaxes in the dark and the bright pulse penetrates directly into the retina.
We also do not forget that the entire circuit is under mains voltage, which is dangerous to life.

Result of work

Unfortunately, the work of a strobe cannot be conveyed either through photos or video. Since even a video camera picks up a short pulse very poorly and in the end it is simply overexposed.
But I can say from myself that the strobe turned out to be excellent, the flashes were short and very bright. It looks very impressive, in general everything is as it should be.
DIY powerful strobe light

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Comments (18)
  1. Qwazar
    #1 Qwazar Guests 11 January 2018 16:21
    They will burn... You need a powerful radiator with 0.5 (in the case of a strobe) power dissipation... Or an equally powerful fan... I have 25 W of power dissipation on the radiators - 3 burned out. such matrices, the temperature of the radiators was 180 degrees. while the matrices were working, I cured it by installing a fan - a duct exhaust fan - it is cheaper than specialized 220 volt fans...
    1. Question
      #2 Question Guests January 15, 2018 11:31
      Is it possible to install 4 diode panels using the same circuit, instead of 3. The circuit will not need to be modified?
      1. Yaroslav2004
        #3 Yaroslav2004 Guests 22 February 2018 17:07
        Of course you can. There is no need to redo anything. I am finishing a strobe with 8 matrices using the same scheme. Nothing gets hot, and there is no need to redo anything.
    2. Yaroslav2004
      #4 Yaroslav2004 Guests 22 February 2018 17:02
      The matrix pulses are so short that the matrix does not even have time to heat up, do not confuse it with operation in constant mode. The strobe, assembled according to my scheme, with 20 minutes of continuous operation, heated up to only 42 degrees, without a radiator and fans.But in principle, a strobe is a short-acting light effect of 15-20 seconds, otherwise epileptics will simply begin to faint. Before publishing on YouTube, everything is tested and verified...
  2. Yaroslav
    #5 Yaroslav Guests 22 February 2018 16:48
    It’s very nice to see my work on your resource.
    I am ready to answer all questions about this device on YouTube, using the link offered by the administrators.
  3. Yaroslav
    #6 Yaroslav Guests 22 February 2018 16:56
    Well, personally for admins, not for publication, as proof that this is my work, I can take any photo against the background of my carved organizer, set any time on the alarm clock at your request, or attach a photo of the stand... Well, that’s it , if you doubt my veracity...
  4. Guest Alexander
    #7 Guest Alexander Guests 22 October 2018 13:36
    Comrades, please tell me: I assembled it according to the diagram, only a 7.5 V power supply instead of 12 and a 2SK2632 field switch instead of K2543. So, Light-emitting diode blinks, but does not go out completely, glows between flashes. And another witchcraft: even if you tear off the wire from the shutter, the mosfet still does not close and Light-emitting diode shines at half strength. Where am I wrong?
    1. Guest Dmitry
      #8 Guest Dmitry Guests 25 October 2018 17:18
      The transistor is broken, replace it.
      1. Guest Alexander
        #9 Guest Alexander Guests 26 October 2018 07:59
        Thanks, I'll change it. And let me solve another question: It turns out that the transistor operates in inverse mode - i.e. Does current flow from drain to source? What happens if you turn it on humanly: source to "-" LEDs, drain to the "-" power supply? Or did I burn the transistor like that?
  5. Guest Alex
    #10 Guest Alex Guests 9 December 2018 20:58
    The links are dead. What power PSU?
    1. Guest Alexander
      #11 Guest Alexander Guests 8 January 2019 17:08
      AC-DC 12V 450mA 5W is enough
  6. Guest Andrey
    #12 Guest Andrey Guests 25 February 2019 18:46
    Give me the diagram please! there you had flashes accompanied by music
  7. marker 379
    #13 marker 379 Guests 12 April 2019 13:37
    when my friend and I were assembling a strobe light on IFCashki, we found out that there is a certain flickering frequency that disrupts the functioning of the vestibular apparatus, we could not get up from the floor, but IFC lamps have a spectral range different from LED, so I hope that such an effect will not happen be observed.
  8. Dya Vitya
    #14 Dya Vitya Guests 15 June 2019 21:04
    “...don’t forget that the whole circuit is located”... well, what the heck?!
  9. Well
    #15 Well Guests November 16, 2020 11:40
  10. Paul
    #16 Paul Guests 31 December 2021 13:18
    Good afternoon What if instead of LED matrices we use an LED spotlight? Will work? Or is it tedious to redo the diagram?