Topiary made from napkins

What you need for work:
  • Styrofoam ball, if not, use thread and newspaper;
  • Napkins or corrugated paper;
  • Scissors;
  • Glue;
  • Stapler;
  • Flower pot;
  • Branch.

Topiary made from napkins

Creating the Foundation

How to make topiary? You need to start from the ball. It can be purchased at a craft store for about fifty rubles, depending on the size. It’s not difficult to create a base with your own hands. All you need is unnecessary newspapers and thread.
1. Crumple the newspapers until you get a ball of the required size.
2. Wrap it with threads.
3. If the base has significantly wrinkled and become much smaller than the desired shape, add new layers to it and secure it with threads again.
4. It is necessary to achieve as uniform a surface of the ball as possible, this will help in further work.
5. Make a hole in the base for the branch. This can be done using scissors. Choose a place and cut there. Let the branch pass tightly, so it will better hold the ball.
Topiary made from napkins

Making jewelry

The stage of creating decorations for the ball is the most interesting. In this case it will be flowers and grass. Creating them is very simple, but by changing the colors, location and shape, the overall appearance of the topiary can change significantly.Use napkins for work, they are in every home, and if they are left after work, they will find use in everyday life. Corrugated paper has a huge selection of colors, but its cost is much higher. For the simplest tree you will need napkins, scissors and a stapler.
1. Cut small squares from one napkin;
2. Fasten two of them with a stapler;
3. Cut out a circle;
4. Crumple the layers. Do not touch the latter, it will help the flower adhere more firmly to the base of the tree.
Topiary made from napkins

For variety, you can cut the edges of the circle. So, the flower will be more fluffy. You can change the shape with special scissors.
Topiary made from napkins

For large topiary, it is better to use several colors of napkins.
Making greens is even easier.
1. Cut the same squares as for flowers;
2. Two of them are connected with a stapler;
3. We begin to crumple, leaving the last layers intact.
Topiary made from napkins

Ball decoration

Half the work is done. Now you will need glue and blanks. You can use any glue: PVA or moment, with the latter the tree will be more durable.
Glue flowers and greenery one by one to create a composition.
Topiary made from napkins

At this stage, you can finish the job by gluing the ball to the pot. But we can go further.
Topiary made from napkins

Final part

There are several options for attaching a tree to the so-called ground:
You can pour TsPS into a pot, dilute the powder with water and stir. Insert a branch with a ball there. When everything has hardened, start decorating the gray mass;
Newspapers can be used:
1. Place a heavy stone at the bottom to create stability for the tree;
2. Insert a branch and, holding it, cover it with newspapers;
3. You can’t leave it like that, so cover the “ground” with green napkins;
4. And for greater relief and realism, glue in grass;
5. Pay special attention to the edges; the newspaper should not stick out.
Instead of napkins, you can use stones, sand, cereals or other available material.
Topiary made from napkins

Decoration of the finished work

How to decorate topiary? The pot can be decorated using the technique decoupage, tie it with ribbon, glue beads or paint it with paints. Small animal souvenirs can live in the grass. A ladybug may crawl along a branch. And butterflies, sparkles or flowers from other materials will be added to the ball.
Topiary - decoration for any interior. The right combination of colors and shapes will create a unique atmosphere of coziness and comfort. This craft doesn’t take long to make and doesn’t require any special knowledge. Even a child can handle it. Show your imagination and surprise your guests with a designer topiary in your home!
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Comments (1)
  1. Alexandra
    #1 Alexandra Guests 26 August 2017 14:39
    A colleague has a similar thing decorating his workplace. Only it is made of colored polyethylene and bags. I always admire it, but I just don’t have the perseverance to make something similar.