Decoration “Heart” made of beads on a stand

Hello, dear site visitors. In this article we will tell you how you can make a beautiful souvenir in the shape of a heart from thick wire and beads, attached to a small stand, with your own hands. This souvenir can be made for Valentine's Day, for a holiday (for example, for a wedding anniversary), or it can be made simply as a decoration for the home.
Decoration Heart made of beads

To make such a souvenir, we needed:
- Thin wire (from 0.01 mm thick);
- Thick wire (from 2 mm);
- Nippers, tweezers;
- Beads in green, blue, yellow, orange, purple and white colors;
- Beads in blue, white, brown, pink and beige colors;
- A bottle of lemonade;
- Plaster with water;
- Plain paper;
- Polymer adhesive for glass;
- Colored paper, scissors;
- PVA glue or pencil;
- Scotch.
Getting to work, we took a bottle of lemonade and, after rinsing it several times, left it so that the excess water drained out of it:
Decoration Heart made of beads

When the bottle is dry, we will need to cover it with plain paper to apply a preliminary layer, which will need to be pasted over with several layers of colored paper particles. This layer can be made up of pieces of different sizes and shapes:
Decoration Heart made of beads

Having made a smooth and neat surface of white paper, we cut colored paper into squares of different sizes and cover the bottle with them:
Decoration Heart made of beads

After this, we apply transparent varnish or tape to the surface so that the paper surface cannot quickly get dirty:
Decoration Heart made of beads

Next, we take a thick wire about 150 cm long and twist it into a heart shape; We tie both ends at the bottom of the figure, forming a large knot.
Decoration Heart made of beads

It seems to us that this one wire may not be too strong and will bend under the weight of all the beaded jewelry that will load it. Therefore, it is advisable to take either two wires for work, or not to overload the figure with decorations.
Now in a separate cup we dilute a little plaster and use it to attach the figure to the bottle. Due to the fact that the neck of the bottle is narrow and the wire knots are quite large, the figure stayed in it perfectly and it was quite easy to fix it with plaster (not a single particle of plaster fell to the bottom). After that we cleared the areas crafts, which accidentally got plaster on it and left it to dry:
Decoration Heart made of beads

Now we are starting to make leaves, berries and flowers from beads. Taking a thin wire, we string one of the beads onto its middle, intending to make a leaf:
Decoration Heart made of beads

We attach two more beads to this bead, passing them through the ends of the wire:
Decoration Heart made of beads

Then three, four:
Decoration Heart made of beads

Having made the middle of the leaf, in subsequent rows we gradually reduce the number of beads, and, having reached the last one, we tie the wire several times.
Decoration Heart made of beads

After this, we attach a thin wire to the copper figure, onto which we will string the finished figures of leaves and berries.
Decoration Heart made of beads

The first “berry” in our craft was a large beige bead. In order for it to hold securely and the wire not to stand out on the surface, you need to attach a small bead to the other end of the bead:
Decoration Heart made of beads

This way we will collect all the subsequent leaves and berries that we need to make.
Decoration Heart made of beads

Now we start making flowers. In order to assemble one flower, we made seven petals and one “ring” from wire and beads. You can take any shade of petals - your choice:
Decoration Heart made of beads

We attach each of the petals to a couple of beads from the “ring”:
Decoration Heart made of beads

All that remains is to attach a bead to the center of each collected flower:
Decoration Heart made of beads

After that, we attach them to our craft:
Decoration Heart made of beads

Next, we create several purple flowers with white edges and attach them to the souvenir:
Decoration Heart made of beads

Decoration Heart made of beads

Before decorating the figure with flowers, we managed to collect several rows with blue, pink and brown berries, decorating the craft:
Decoration Heart made of beads

After that, we decided to collect two white flowers and two purple ones with orange stripes, but in a slightly different way than the previous ones. Having made eight petals, we string them on a wire, one of the ends of which we draw in the second circle:
Decoration Heart made of beads

Then, making another semicircle and passing both wires in opposite directions, we string a small bead and tie the wire on the back side of the finished flower:
Decoration Heart made of beads

We add the finished flowers to the craft. During the work, you can make yellow leaves if there is a shortage of green and blue beads. There are nine flowers in total in our craft:
After that, that's it - our craft is ready.It took us about 2 weeks to make it, and we think it turned out very beautiful:
Decoration Heart made of beads

Decoration Heart made of beads

Sincerely, Vorobyova Dinara.
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